Collecting Semantics for Example Program

The general form of collecting semantics is:

   F : (V \to 2^S) \to (V \to 2^S)

   F(g)(v') = g_{init}(v') \cup \bigcup_{(v,v') \in E} sp(g(v),r(v,v'))

Here $g_{init}(v')$ will be $\emptyset$ except at the entry into our control-flow graph.

Example Program with One Variable

// v0
x := 0;
// v1
while (x < 10) {
  // v2
  x := x + 3;
// v3

Concrete Domain: Sets of States

Because there is only one variable:

  • state is an element of $\mathbb{Z}$ (value of $x$)
  • sets of states are sets of integers, $C = 2^\mathbb{Z}$ (concrete domain)
  • for each command $K$, strongest postcondition function $sp(\cdot,K) : C \to C$

Strongest Postondition

Compute $sp$ or example statements:

   sp(P, x:=0) = \{ 0 \}

   sp(P, x:=x+3) = \{ x+3 \mid x \in P \}

   sp(P, assume(x<10)) = \{ x \mid x \in P \land x < 10 \}

   sp(P, assume(\lnot (x < 10)) = \{ x \mid x \in P \land x \ge 10 \}

Sets of States at Each Program Point

Collecting semantics computes with sets of states at each program point

   g : \{ v_0, v_1, v_2, v_3 \} \to C

We sometimes write $g_i$ as a shorthand for $g(v_i)$, for $i \in \{0,1,2,3\}$.

In the initial state the value of variable is arbitrary: $I = \mathbb{Z}$

post Function for the Collecting Semantics

From here we can derive $F$ that maps $g$ to new value of $g$:

   F(g_0,g_1,g_2,g_3) = \\
    (\mathbb{Z}, \\
     sp(g_0, x:=0) \cup sp(g_2, x:=x+3),\\
     sp(g_1, assume(x < 10)), \\
     sp(g_1, assume(\lnot(x<10))))

The fixpoint condition $F(g) = g$ becomes a system of inequations

    g_0 = \mathbb{Z} \\
    g_1 = sp(g_0, x:=0) \cup sp(g_2, x:=x+3)\\
    g_2 = sp(g_1, assume(x < 10)) \\
    g_3 = sp(g_1, assume(\lnot(x<10))))

whereas the postfix point (see Tarski's fixpoint theorem) becomes

    \mathbb{Z} \subseteq g_0 \\
    sp(g_0, x:=0) \cup sp(g_2, x:=x+3) \subseteq g_1 \\
    sp(g_1, assume(x < 10)) \subseteq g_2 \\
    sp(g_1, assume(\lnot(x<10))) \subseteq g_3

Computing Fixpoint

To find fixpoint, we compute the sequence $F^n(\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset)$ for $n \ge 0$:

   (\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\emptyset,\emptyset,\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0\},\emptyset,\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0\},\{0\},\emptyset) \\ 
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3\},\{0\},\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3\},\{0,3\},\emptyset) \\ 
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6\},\{0,3\},\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6\},\{0,3,6\},\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6,9\},\{0,3,6,9\},\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6,9,12\},\{0,3,6,9\},\emptyset) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6,9,12\},\{0,3,6,9\},\{12\}) \\
   (\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6,9,12\},\{0,3,6,9\},\{12\}) \\

Thus, all subsequent values remain the same and $(\mathbb{Z},\{0,3,6,9,12\},\{0,3,6,9\},\{12\})$ is the fixpoint of collecting semantics equations. In general we may need infinitely many iterations to converge.

Question: Suppose that we have a program that terminates for every possible initial state. Can we always find a finite constant $n$ such that


i.e. the sequence such as the one above is guaranteed to stabilize?

Example: Assume an arbitrary initial value and consider the loop. Compute a sequence of sets of states at the point after the increment statement in the loop, following the equations for collecting semantics.

if (y > 0) {
  x = 0
  while (x < y) {
    x = x + 1

What always works from omega continuity:

   lfp(F) = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} F^n(\emptyset,\ldots,\emptyset)

where $\bigcup$ on a tuple above means taking union of each component separately, so $(A,B) \cup (A',B') = (A \cup A', B \cup B')$.