Isomorphism of First-Order Logic Interpretations
(Building on First-Order Logic Semantics.)
Example: How many models does this formula have?
Informally, isomorphism is a function that establishes correspondence between two interpretations.
Definition:: An isomoprhism between and
is a bijective function
such that
- for
and all
- for
and all
- for
a first-order variable,
If then the isomorphism
is called automorphism.
Definition: Interpretation is isomorphic to interpretation
if there exists an isomorphism from
Note: the notion of graph isomorphisms is a special case of isomorphism of structures because we can view Graphs as Interpretations.
Lemma: Being isomorphic is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive property. Proof sketch:
End of Proof Sketch.
Lemma: If is isomorphism from
, then for every first-order term
we have
and for every first-order logic formula we have
Lemma: If is an interpretation for language
, if
is a set and
a bijective function, then there exists a mapping
of symbols in
such that
is an interpretation for
is isomorphic to
Proof: We construct from
End of proof.
Corollary: Consider an interpretation . If
is finite, then there exists isomorphic interpretation
Also, note that for each permutation of there is an automorphism that generates potentially a new interpretation. There are
These observations are relevant for Finite-Model Finders.