Transforming a Grammar to Chomsky Form
We show how to make a grammar:
- without unproductive symbols
- without unreachable symbols
-free (no non-start nullable symbols)
- without single productions X::=Y (X,Y non-terminals)
- without productions of arity more than two
- with terminals occurring alone on right-hand side
Elimination of Non-Productive Non-Terminals
Non-terminal is non-productive if it cannot generate any string of terminals
- if X::=w and w has only terminals, then X is productive
- if X:=p and p has only productive symbols, then X is productive
Start from empty set, apply these rules to compute productive symbols
- remaining symbols are non-productive
- delete them and all rules that contain them
Elimination of Unreachable Non-Terminals
Non-terminal is unreachable if no derivation from start symbol contains it
- S is reachable
- if X is reachable and X::=p, then every symbol in p is reachable
Start from empty set, apply these rules to compute productive symbols
- remaining symbols are non-productive
- delete them and all rules that contain them
Making Non-Terminals Non-Nullable
A grammar where is -free if
- no-non terminal is nullable, or
- only S is nullable and S does not appear on right-hand side
First, compute nullable nonterminals.
Then, for each production
create all productions of form
(as before), or,
is nullable and
is empty string (so it disappears)
Remove all right-hand sides that are “”
If S is nullable, introduce new initial symbol S' and add
Eliminating Single Productions
Construct a directed graph of non-terminals between X,Y such that is production
Compute as the transitive closure of this graph
If X Y and Y ::= p is a rule, then add rule
X ::= p
Then remove single productions.
Eliminating Non-Binary Productions
Making Terminals Alone on Right-Hand Side
Just introduce a fresh non-terminal for terminal t
Use on RHS instead of t
Add rule
Summary of Parsing General Context-Free Grammars
To check if :
- Convert
to equivalent Chomsky normal form
- Use CYK Parsing Algorithm to check if