Homework 03

Problem 01: Loop unrolling

This programming assignment builds on what you did last time. To help you test your implementation on hand-written programs, we give you a parser and a pretty-printer. Here is the extended AST hierarchy:

/** Terms. The only type in the language is Int. */
sealed abstract class Term
case class Constant(c: Int) extends Term
case class Variable(v: String) extends Term
case class Plus(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term
case class Minus(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends Term
case class Times(c: Int, t: Term) extends Term
case class Divide(t: Term, c: Int) extends Term
case class Modulo(t: Term, c: Int) extends Term
/** Boolean expressions, used as conditions and in assertions/assumptions. */
sealed abstract class BoolExpr
case class Equal(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends BoolExpr
case class LessThan(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends BoolExpr
case class GreaterThan(t1: Term, t2: Term) extends BoolExpr
case class Negation(F: BoolExpr) extends BoolExpr
case class And(f1: BoolExpr, f2: BoolExpr) extends BoolExpr
case class Or(f1: BoolExpr, f2: BoolExpr) extends BoolExpr
/** Program commands */
sealed abstract class Command
case class Assignment(v: String, t: Term) extends Command
case class GetInt(v: String, lb: Int, ub: Int) extends Command
case class IfThenElse(cond: BoolExpr, ifcom: Command, elsecom: Command) extends Command
case class Block(coms: List[Command]) extends Command
case class WhileLoop(cond: BoolExpr, com: Command) extends Command
case class Print(str: String, v: String) extends Command
case class Skip() extends Command
case class Assume(expr: BoolExpr) extends Command
case class Assert(expr: BoolExpr) extends Command
case class Choice(choice1: Command, choice2: Command) extends Command

Note that:

  • We added Assume and Assert statements, the Print statement which was described last time, as well as a Skip statement which can be used, for instance, in empty else branches.
  • There is a new construct, getInt which we describe below.
  • The Block class has changed slightly: it now takes a list of statements. Hopefully your code should be easy to adapt.
  • The parser supports Java-like comments, ifs with no else branch, and the operators , >=, != are desugared into the appropriate trees.
  • The syntax should be straightforward, but in doubt you can look at the string representation of tokens in Lexer.scala, or at the demo programs.

As you noticed, there is a new kind of command of the form:

x = getInt(0, 5);

This is a non-deterministic variable assignment: after that command, for every value in the set {0,1,2,3,4,5} there will be an execution where x holds this value in the next step.

Adapt your code

Use this archive, which contains the project structure, a parser and an example program, and adapt your interpreter to it.

You can use ant to compile the code (make sure $SCALA_HOME is set in your environment or edit, then for instance:

./ demo.while

(un)rollin', rollin', rollin'

Implement an AST transformation which unrolls all loops a certain number of times (see the stub in the archive for the method signature). Use the following idea:

while(cond) {


if(cond) {
if(cond) {
if(cond) {

Problem 02: Non-deterministic Interpreter

Adapt your non-deterministic interpreter to the code we've given you, or if you haven't done it yet, write it according to last week's description (Problem 04).

Your interpreter should now also handle non-deterministic variable assignments using backtracking as for commands. For instance the following program:

// A demo program using all constructs available
x = getInt(0, 1);
y = getInt(2, 3);
z = 0;
while (z <= 0) {
    ( z = 2 * x; [] z = x + y; )
    if(z == 1) {
        z = z - 1;
println("z is: ", z);

…when unrolled with a factor 2 should result in the following output (again, order doesn't matter):

z is: 2
z is: 2
z is: 2
z is: 3
z is: 3
z is: 4

Some additional remarks:

  • Your interpreter can assume the program is loop-free (use loop unrolling first)
  • If your interpreter encounters an assumption which does not hold, it should stop silently the current execution, backtrack and go on with the next execution.
  • If your interpreter encounters an assertion which does not hold, it should complain about it, backtrack etc.

Problem 03: Proving Properties of sp and wp

For sets $P$, $Q$, assuming the definition of Hoare triple

    \{P \}\ r\ \{ Q \}


    \forall s,s' \in S. s \in P \land (s,s') \in r \rightarrow s' \in Q

and assuming the definition

   sp(P,r) = \{ s' \mid \exists s. s \in P \land (s,s') \in r \}

   wp(r,Q) = \{ s \mid \forall s'. (s,s') \in r \rightarrow s' \in Q \}

Prove that the following statements from Hoare Logic Basics hold. You can prove statements in any order and use previous results to prove the next ones, as long as you obtain a correct mathematical proof for all the properties.


The following three conditions are equivalent:

  1. $\{P\} r \{Q\}$
  2. $P \subseteq wp(r,Q)$
  3. $sp(P,r) \subseteq Q$


$sp(P,r)$ is the strongest among the postconditions of $P$ with respect to $r$, that is:

  1. $\{P\} r \{ sp(P,r) \}$
  2. $\forall Q \subseteq S.\ \{P\} r \{Q\} \rightarrow sp(P,r) \subseteq Q$


$wp(r,Q)$ is the weakest among the preconditions of $Q$ with respect to $r$, that is:

  1. $\{wp(r,Q)\} r \{Q \}$
  2. $\forall P \subseteq S.\ \{P\} r \{Q\} \rightarrow P \subseteq wp(r,Q)$


If $P_0$ satisfies

  1. $\{P_0\} r \{Q \}$
  2. $\forall P \subseteq S.\ \{P\} r \{Q\} \rightarrow P \subseteq P_0$

then $P_0 = wp(r,Q)$.

Problem 04: Counterexamples

Find counterexamples to the following formulas. Feel free to use Alloy, but write down the solution.


For relations $r_1,r_2 \subseteq S\times S$ and $Q \subseteq S$, find counterexample for:

    wp(r_1 \cup r_2,Q) = wp(r_1,Q) \cup wp(r_2,Q)

b) - Optional

For $r \subseteq S \times S$ a relation and operators defined as in Sets and Relations, find a counterexample for:

    S \neq \emptyset \land dom(r)=S \land \Delta_S \cap r = \emptyset \rightarrow r \circ r \cap ((S\times S) \setminus r) \neq \emptyset

What is the smallest size of the set $S$ for which you can find a counterexample relation $r$?