Bounding Variables in Presburger Arithmetic
We can use insights from quantifier elimination to obtain alternative algorithms for deciding formulas.
Define and
for all
Bounds Showing Membership in 2EXPSPACE
Let denote the maximum of the constant
and of all constants ocurruring in the formula
Theorem (Oppen): There exists a constant such that the following is true. If
is a formula of Presburger arithmetic with
then when Cooper's procedure is applied to
, every integer constant encountered is bounded by
Lemma (Ferrante, Rackhoff): There exists a constant such that the following is true. Let
be the formula
, where
is quantifier-free and
for each
and let
. Then
is true iff
where means
Bounded Quantifier Alternation
Example: if has no quantifiers, then these two formulas have one quantifier alternation:
and this formula has two quantifier alternations:
A formula in prenex form has quantifier alternations iff it is the form
where for the same , all quantifiers
are the same type (either all are
or all are
), and for
the quantifiers are of different type.
Theorem (Reddy, Loveland, 1978): If is a closed Presburger arithmetic formula
of size
quantifier alternations, where
are quantifiers and
is quantifier-free, then
is true iff the formula
with bounded quantifiers is true for some .
In general, it is often quantifier alternations that cause high complexity of the decision procedure, not quantifiers themselves.
- Reddy, Loveland: Presburger Arithmetic with Bounded Quantifier Alternation, pdf
- Lararuk, Sturm: Weak quantifier elimination for the full linear theory of the integers, pdf
- Ferrante, Rackoff: A Decision Procedure for the First-Order Theory of Addition with Order, pdf (NOTE: this is for real numbers, not integers)