Substitutions for First-Order Logic
Motivating Example
It is important to be precise about substitutions in first-order logic. For example, we would like to derive from formula formula
, denoted
that results from substituting a term
instead of
. For example, from
we would like to derive
. Consider, however formula
Consider an interpretation in integers. This formula is true in this domain. Now substitute instead of x the term y+1. We obtain
This formula is false. We say that the variable in term
was captured during substitution. When doing substitution in first-order logic we must avoid variable capture. One way to do this is to rename bound variables. Suppose we want to instantiate the formula
. Then we first rename variables in the formula, obtaining
and then after substitution we obtain
, which is a correct consequence of
Naive and Safe Substitutions
Let be a set of variables (that is,
). A variable substitution is a function
is the set of terms first-order logic.
We define naive substitution recursively, first for terms:
and then for formulas:
Lemma: Let be a variable substitution and
a term. Then for every interpretation
To avoid variable capture, we introduce in addition to a safe substitution,
Lemma: Let be a variable substitution and
a term. Then for every interpretation
Lemma: .