Model Sizes
Difficulty in semantic definition of validity and satisfiability: the definitions talk about arbitrary models (finite models, integers, real numbers, set theory, …)
If formula has a model of some size, it has many models of same size, from Isomorphism of Interpretations.
Are there first-order formulas that have only finite models?
Are there first-order formulas that have only infinite models?
What is the cardinality of the models we need to consider? There are many useful models whose domain is not a countable set (e.g. real numbers).
Difficulty in checking : there are infinitely many models, of arbitrarily large cardinalities.
Goal: show that if a set of formulas has a model, then it has a particular kind of a model, and this model is countable.
- this will also give us a systematic method to search for unsatisfiable (and thus, for valid) formulas