Interval Analysis and Widening
Interval analysis domain, for each program point, maps each program variable to an interval.
Interval bounds may be and . Interval represents no constraints.
Analysis domain has elements where denotes the set of such intervals.
How to interpret a command
for some operation ?
What does the lattice of intervals look like?
Height of lattice of one interval for 64-bit integers:
If we have variables in program and program points, height of lattice for the analysis domain is times larger.
For unbounded integers, lattice is unbounded.
How to guarantee termination?
Widening technique: if we do not seem to be converging, make a “jump”.
Finite set of “jump points” (e.g. set of all integer constants in the program)
In fixpoint computation, compose with function
- always apply widening (we will assume this)
- iterate a few times with only (without using ), if not a fixpoint at this program point, then widen.
- this is not monotonic: if you start at fixpoint, it converges, if start below, can jump over fixpoint
Standard iteration:
Here, for all by definition of
Narrowing: after finding fixpoint of , apply to improve precision.
Observation: if and are -continuous functions and for all , then narrowing will improve the result, that is, if and , then and