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Quotient of an Interpretation under a Congruence

Example: quotient on pairs of natural numbers

Let ${\cal N} = \{0,1,2,\ldots, \}$. Consider a structure with domain $N^2$, with functions \[

  p((x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)) = (x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2)

\] \[

  m((x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)) = (x_1 + y_2, y_1 + x_2)

\] Relation $r$ defined by \[

 r = \{((x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)) \mid x_1 + y_2 = x_2 + y_1  \}

\] is a congruence with respect to operations $p$ and $m$.

Congruence is an equivalence relation. What are equivalence classes for elements:

$[(1,1)] = $

$[(10,1)] = $

$[(1,10)] = $

Whenever we have a congruence in an interpretation, we can shrink the structure to a smaller one by merging elements that are in congruence.

In the resulting structure $([N^2], I_Q)$ we define operations $p$ and $m$ such that the following holds: \[ \begin{array}{l}

 I_Q(p)( [(x_1,y_1)] , [(x_2,y_2)] ) = [(x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2)] \\
 I_Q(m)( [(x_1,y_1)] , [(x_2,y_2)] ) = [(x_1 + y_2, y_1 + x_2)] 

\end{array} \] This construction is an algebraic approach to construct from natural numbers one well-known structure. Which one?

Note: this construction can be applied whenever we have an associative and commutative operation $*$ satisfying the cancelation law $x * z = y * z \rightarrow x=y$. It allows us to contruct a structure where operation $*$ has an inverse. What do we obtain if we apply this construction to multiplication of strictly positive integers?

Definition of Quotient of an Interpretation

(Recall notation in First-Order Logic Semantics.)

Let $I = (D,\alpha)$ be an interpretation of language ${\cal L}$ with $eq \in {\cal L}$ for which Axioms for Equality hold, that is, $\alpha(eq)$ is a congruence relation for $I$.

For each element $x \in D$, define \[

  [x] = \{ y \mid (x,y) \in \alpha(eq) \}

\] Let \[

  [D] = \{ [x] \mid x \in D \}

\] The constructed model will be $I_Q = ([D],\alpha_Q)$ where \[

  \alpha_Q(R) = \{ ([x_1],\ldots,[x_n]) \mid (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \in \alpha(R) \}

\] In particular, when $R$ is $eq$ we have

$\alpha_Q(eq) = $

Functions are special case of relations: \[

  \alpha_Q(f) = \{ ([x_1],\ldots,[x_n],[x_{n+1}]) \mid (x_1,\ldots,x_n,x_{n+1}) \in \alpha(f) \}


Interpretation of variables is analogous to interpretation of constants: \[

 \alpha_Q(x) = [\alpha(x)]


Lemma 1: $I_Q = ([D],I_Q)$ is a well-defined interpretation, that is,

  • $[D]$ is non-empty
  • for each function symbol $f$, the value $\alpha_Q(f)$ is a graph of a total function on $[D]$

Lemma 2: For each term $t$ we have $e_T(t)(I_Q) = [e_T(t)(I)]$.

Theorem: For each formula $F$ that contains no '=' symbol (it may contain 'eq'), we have $e_F(F)(I_Q) = e_F(F)(I)$.