Herbrand Universe for Equality
Recall example of formula :
Replace '=' with 'eq':
call the resulting formula .
Consider Herbrand model for the set
. The relation
into two sets: the set of terms eq with
, and the set of terms eq with
. The idea is to consider these two partitions as domain of new interpretation, denoted
Constructing Model for Formulas with Equality
Let be a set of formulas in first-order logic with equality and
result of replacing '=' with 'eq' in
. Suppose
is satisfiable.
Let be Herbrand model for
. We construct a new model as Interpretation Quotient Under Congruence of
under congruence 'eq'. Denote quoient structure by
. By theorem on quotient structures,
is true in
. Therefore,
is satisfiable.
Herbrand-Like Theorem for Equality
Theorem: For every set of formulas with equality the following are equivalent
has a model;
has a model whose domain is the quotient
of the set of ground terms under some congruence.