Correctness of A/G Reasoning
Correctness as Approximation of Relations
Specification provides a relation that is intended to approximate relation
defining the meaning of procedure, that is, we would like to prove
Following Relational Semantics of Procedures, consider one procedure and its associated function
and its fixed point .
The idea of approach based on specifications is to prove that, if we assume that procedure calls satisfy the specification, then we can prove the specification for the procedure we are verifying. In other words, specifications provide a relation such that
We claim that where
Expressing Approximation Using Assume and Assert
Consider a program with only one state variable .
We express our approximation as
So, we would like to show that
is implied by the condition we are checking:
Shunting rules
Recall Assert and error conditions. We say that relation respects errors if for an error state
we have
for all states
For relations ,
that respect errors, we have
- using relations
- using weakest preconditions (see homework in SAV'07)