Deciding Exists-Forall Class
Theorem: Consider formula of the form
is quantifier free formula of first-order logic with equality, without function symbols (only constants and relation symbols). Then there exists a structure in which the formula is true iff the formula is true in some structure whose domain is the set of constants in
Proof: Suppose that is a model for
. Let
. Pick a substructure
of this model obtained by throwing away all elements other than the interpretation of constants
. We claim that we obtain a model for
and keeping the definition of relations and predicates on
as in the structure. If we pick arbitrary values of
from the set
, then
evaluates to true because it evaluated to true in the original structure. Therefore,
holds in the model for such structure.
End of proof.
Note: there exists a counterpart of this theorem for function symbols, which ensures the existence of countable models for arbitrary first-order logic formulas. This is the Herbrand's theorem.
Consider the following formula:
The formula is true iff the following formula over the domain is true:
It suffices to search for the possible definitions of in domains of size 3 or less (it could happen that some of
are equal).
Thus we can find a model for the original formula.
Example: Prove that the following formula is valid:
We check for counterexamples:
We express set operations using quantifiers:
We propagate the negation:
We replace the existential quantifier at the top level with a fresh constant :
Now it follows that it suffices to check the formula on the domain . The formula reduces to:
If we treat as propositional variables, we conclude that the formula is unsatisfiable. Therefore, the original formula is unsatisfiable.