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Syntax and Shorthands of HOL

We define HOL by introducing certain constants into Simply Typed Lambda Calculus and giving appropriate interpretations to them (through axioms or through semantics).


We consider two base types:

  • the type 'i' of 'i'ndividuals
  • the type 'o' of truth values (the shorthand whose meaning to me is not 'o'bvious)

All types are built from i and o using function type constructor $\Rightarrow$. For example,

  • binary functions are terms of type $i \Rightarow i \Rightarrow i$ (arrow associates to the right, we use currying to represent functions with multiple arguments)
  • binary predicates are terms of type $i \Rightarrow i \Rightarrow o$

Logical Constants

To obtain a logic based on such lambda calculus, we add two family of constants:

  • equality $=_{t \Rightarrow t \Rightarrow o}$ for each type $t$, denoting equality on elements of type $t$
  • selection operator $\iota_{(i \Rightarrow o) \Rightarrow o}$, denoting 'choice function' that takes a predicate and returns one element satisfying the predicate (if such element exists)

Everything else (most of mathematics) can be defined in this logic, and to a large extent has been done in systems such as Isabelle and HOL.

Defining Logical Functions

\[\begin{array}{ll} A \leftrightarrow B & A =_{o \Rightarrow o \Rightarrow o} B
true & ({=}_{o \Rightarrow o \Rightarrow o} = {=}_{o \Rightarrow o \Rightarrow o}) \end{array} \]