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Review of Fixpoints in Semantics

Definition: Given a set $A$ and a function $f : A \to A$ we say that $x \in A$ is a fixed point (fixpoint) of $f$ if $f(x)=x$.

Definition: Let $(A,\le)$ be a partial order, let $f : A \to A$ be a monotonic function on $(A,\le)$, and let the set of its fixpoints be $S = \{ x \mid f(x)=x \}$. If the least element of $S$ exists, it is called the least fixpoint, if the greatest element of $S$ exists, it is called the greatest fixpoint.


  • a function can have various number of fixpoints. Take $f : {\cal Z} \to {\cal Z}$,
    • $f(x)=x$ the set of fixedpoints is
    • $f(x)=x^2$ the set of fixedpoints is
    • $f(x)=3x-6$ has exactly one fixpoint
  • a function can have at most one least and at most one greatest fixpoint

We can use fixpoints to give meaning to recursive and iterative definitions

  • key to describing arbitrary long executions in programs

Transitive Closure as Least Fixedpoint

Recall the definition of transitive closure for $r \subseteq D \times D$ a binary relation \[

  r^* = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} r^n

\] where $r^0 = \Delta_D$.

Lemma: Reflexive transitive closure is the least fixpoint of function $f(r) = \Delta \cup r$, mapping $f : D^2 \to D^2$

Reachable States are a Fixpoint

Consider program with single loop:

while (c) {

Using tail recursion, we could rewrite it as procedure p such that

p = if (c) then (s;p) else skip

This can be written as \[

 p = F(p)

\] where

F(p) = if (c) then (s;p) else skip

If $r_s$ is meaning of $s$ and $\Delta_c$ is meaning of assume©, the set of reachable states is the fixpoint of function \[

  f(r) = (\Delta_c \circ r_s \circ r) \cup \Delta_{\lnot c}


Any program can be reduced to a loop:

  • introduce program counter and iterate until it reaches exit point
  • more generally, can write an interpreter that interprets the program

Recall Relational semantics of procedures