Review of Fixpoints in Semantics
Transitive Closure as Least Fixedpoint
Recall the definition of transitive closure for a binary relation
where .
Lemma: Reflexive transitive closure is the least fixpoint of function , mapping
Meaning of Recursive and Iterative Constructs as Fixpoints of Relations
Consider program with single loop:
while (c) { s; }
Using tail recursion, we could rewrite it as a procedure p such that
p = if (c) then (s;p) else skip
This can be written as
F(p) = if (c) then (s;p) else skip
How to give semantics to recursive definitions?
- eliminate recursive by denoting left-hand side as the result of non-recursive function
- look for solution of
, which contains
twice, so it expresses recursion
- we can abstract the question of existence of values of recursive functions using fixpoints
If is meaning of
is meaning of assume( c ), the meaning is the fixpoint of function
Any program can be reduced to a loop:
- introduce program counter and iterate until it reaches exit point
- more generally, can write an interpreter that interprets the program
Recall Relational semantics of procedures.
What is the fixpoint of the recursive function mapping integers to integers?
- we need ordering to ensure existence of fixpoints
- relations have a natural subset ordering
- relation does not always represent terminating computation
Reachable States and Collecting Semantics
Main question: What values can variables of the program take at different program points?
We can represent programs by control-flow graphs (CFG).
Definition: Control flow-graph is a graph with nodes , edges
and for each edge
a command
, with initial
and final node
Program points are CFG nodes. Statements are labels on CFG edges.
We look at a particular way of representing and computing sets of reachable states, splitting states by program counter (control-flow graph node): collecting semantics.
- the set of values of program variables (not including program counter).
For each program point , we have the set of reachable states
The set of all reachable states of the program is .
Let be initial program counter and
the set of values of program variables in
The set of reachable states is defined as the least solution of constraints:
where is command associated with edge
, and
is the relation giving semantics for this command.