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sav08:review_of_fixpoints_in_semantics [2008/04/29 23:05]
sav08:review_of_fixpoints_in_semantics [2015/04/21 17:30] (current)
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 ====== Review of Fixpoints in Semantics ====== ====== Review of Fixpoints in Semantics ======
-**Definition:​** Given a set $A$ and a function $f : A \to A$ we say that $x \in A$ is a fixed point (fixpoint) of $f$ if $f(x)=x$. 
-**Definition:​** Let $(A,\le)$ be a partial order, let $f : A \to A$ be a monotonic function on $(A,\le)$, and let the set of its fixpoints be $S = \{ x \mid f(x)=x \}$.  If the least element of $S$ exists, it is called the **least fixpoint**, if the greatest element of $S$ exists, it is called the **greatest fixpoint**. 
-  * a function can have various number of fixpoints. Take $f : {\cal Z} \to {\cal Z}$,  
-     * $f(x)=x$ the set of fixedpoints is 
-     * $f(x)=x^2$ the set of fixedpoints is 
-     * $f(x)=3x-6$ has exactly one fixpoint 
-  * a function can have at most one least and at most one greatest fixpoint 
-We can use fixpoints to give meaning to recursive and iterative definitions 
-  * key to describing arbitrary long executions in programs 
 ===== Transitive Closure as Least Fixedpoint ===== ===== Transitive Closure as Least Fixedpoint =====
 Recall the definition of transitive closure for $r \subseteq D \times D$ a binary relation Recall the definition of transitive closure for $r \subseteq D \times D$ a binary relation
     r^* = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} r^n     r^* = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} r^n
 where $r^0 = \Delta_D$. where $r^0 = \Delta_D$.
 **Lemma:** Reflexive transitive closure is the least fixpoint of function $f(r) = \Delta \cup r$, mapping $f : D^2 \to D^2$ **Lemma:** Reflexive transitive closure is the least fixpoint of function $f(r) = \Delta \cup r$, mapping $f : D^2 \to D^2$
-===== Reachable States are a Fixpoint ​=====+===== Meaning of Recursive and Iterative Constructs as Fixpoints of Relations ​=====
 Consider program with single loop: Consider program with single loop:
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   }   }
-Using tail recursion, we could rewrite it as procedure p such that+Using tail recursion, we could rewrite it as procedure p such that
   p = if (c) then (s;p) else skip   p = if (c) then (s;p) else skip
 This can be written as  This can be written as 
    p = F(p)    p = F(p)
 where  where 
   F(p) = if (c) then (s;p) else skip   F(p) = if (c) then (s;p) else skip
-If $r_s$ is meaning of $s$ and $\Delta_c$ is meaning of //​assume(c)//,​ the set of reachable states ​is the fixpoint of function +How to give semantics to recursive definitions?​ 
-\[+  * eliminate recursive by denoting left-hand side as the result of non-recursive function $F$ 
 +  * look for solution of $p=F(p)$, which contains $p$ twice, so it expresses recursion 
 +  * we can abstract the question of existence of values of recursive functions using fixpoints 
 +If $r_s$ is meaning of $s$ and $\Delta_c$ is meaning of //assume( c )//, the meaning ​is the fixpoint of function 
     f(r) = (\Delta_c \circ r_s \circ r) \cup \Delta_{\lnot c}     f(r) = (\Delta_c \circ r_s \circ r) \cup \Delta_{\lnot c}
 Any program can be reduced to a loop: Any program can be reduced to a loop:
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   * more generally, can write an interpreter that interprets the program   * more generally, can write an interpreter that interprets the program
-Recall [[Relational semantics of procedures]]+Recall [[Relational semantics of procedures]]
 +What is the fixpoint of the recursive function $f(x)=1+f(x)$ mapping integers to integers? 
 +  * we need ordering to ensure existence of fixpoints 
 +  * relations have a natural subset ordering 
 +  * relation does not always represent terminating computation 
 +===== Reachable States and Collecting Semantics ===== 
 +**Main question:** What values can variables of the program take at different program points? 
 +We can represent programs by control-flow graphs (CFG). 
 +**Definition:​** Control flow-graph is a graph with nodes $V$, edges $E \subseteq V\times V$ and for each edge $e \in E$ a command $c(e)$, with initial $init$ and final node $final$ 
 +Program points are CFG nodes. ​ Statements are labels on CFG edges. 
 +We look at a particular way of representing and computing sets of reachable states, splitting states by program counter (control-flow graph node): **collecting semantics**. 
 +$PS$ - the set of values of program variables (not including program counter). 
 +For each program point $p$, we have the set of reachable states $C(p) \subseteq PS$. 
 +The set of all reachable states of the program is $\{(p,s) \mid s \in C(p) \}$. 
 +Let $p_0$ be initial program counter and $I$ the set of values of program variables in $p_0$. 
 +The set of reachable states is defined as the least solution of constraints:​ 
 +  I \subseteq C(p_0) 
 +  \bigwedge_{(p_1,​p_2) \in E} sp(C(p),​r(c(p_1,​p_2)))) \subseteq C(p_2) 
 +where $c(p_1,​p_2)$ is command associated with edge $(p_1,​p_2)$,​ and $r(c(p_1,​p_2))$ is the relation giving semantics for this command.