DPLL Algorithm for SAT
- boolean constraint propagation when possible
- case analysis on variables for completeness
INPUT: set of clauses (see Normal Forms for Propositional Logic, Definition of Propositional Resolution)
OUTPUT: true iff there exists an interpretation that makes true
A unit clause is or
Unit resolution is application of resolution to two clauses where at least one clause is a unit clause.
- like substituting the value of variable forced by the unit clause
Boolean Constraint Propagation
Apply unit resolution as much as possible.
def BCP(S : Set[Clause]) : Set[Clause] = if for some unit clause U and clause C in S, resolve(U,C) is not in in S then BCP(S union resolve(U,C)) else S
Note: for each unit clause and other clause we can perform unit resolution at most once (variable disappears)
- BCP is polynomial procedure
We do not need to keep literals that are subset of existing ones:
def RemoveSubsumed(S : Set[Clause]) : Set[Clause] = if there are C1,C2 in S such that C1 subset C2 then RemoveSubsumes(S - {C2}) else S
In particular, when we apply unit resolution, the original clause can be deleted.
DPLL Recursively
def DPLL(S : Set[Clause]) : boolean = val S' = RemoveSubsumed(BCP(S)) if (emptyClause in S') then false else if (S' has only unit clauses) then true else val P = pick variable from FV(S') DPLL(F' union {p}) or DPLL(F' union {Not(p)})
State Representation
State representation - group clauses by number of elements:
- S.C (conflict, size zero): true if empty clause was derived
- S.A (assignment, size one): partial map from
- S.B: the remaining clauses
To check satisfiability of set of clauses, invoke DPLL procedure with
- S.C=false
- S.A=EmptyMap
- S.B containing all desired clauses
Desired invariants:
- if S.A(p) defined, then p does not occur in S.B
- S.B has only clauses with at least two literals
Maintaining invariant - part of BCP
- if S.A(p)=1, delete from S.B clauses containing
and remove literals
from clauses in S.B
- if S.A(p)=0, delete from S.B clauses containing
and remove literals
from clauses in S.B
- if empty clause is in S.B, set S.C to true
- if
is in S.B, then set
- if
is in S.B, then set
Termination conditions (when invariants hold):
- if S.C, set is unsatisfiable
- if S.B is empty and not S.C, then S.A gives satisfying assignment
Emiting a Satisfying Assignments or a Proof
Instead of returning just true/false we want SAT solver to return
- one satisfying assignment, if
is satisfiable (easy: print S.A)
- proof, if
is unsatisfiable - in some format
Emiting resolution proofs - needs extra work
Unit resolution is resolution, so we can construct proofs directly.
Decision step (picking variable value): from proofs for
we would like to construct the proof for
derive proof tree for
and from
derive proof tree for
Then combine these two trees with resolution on and
to get
Why can we modify resolution proof to move from assumption and put its negation to conclusion?
Lower Bounds on Running Time
Observation: constructed resolution proof is polynomial in the running time of the DPLL algorithm.
Theorem: for some formulas, shortest resolution proofs are exponential.
This does not contradict that P vs NP question is open, because there may be “better” proof systems than resolution.
Lower bounds for both resolution and a stronger system are shown here by proving that interpolants can be exponential, and that interpolants are polynomial in proof size (see Interpolants from Resolution Proofs):