This is an old revision of the document!

Asserts and errors for nice wp definition

We used assert(F) to express conditions that should hold.

Can we give executation semantics to assert?

assert(F) = irrecoverable error if $F$ is false, terminates execution.

wp computes conditions sufficient for errors not to happen.

Postconditions are just asserts at the end of the program.

How to build a system with relations where at the same time

wp(assert(F),Q) = (F & Q)
wp(assume(F),Q) = (F --> Q)


wp(assert(false); assume(false),Q) = false
wp(assume(false); assert(false),Q) = true

so cannot have $\mbox{assume(false)} = \emptyset$ any more, otherwise both

assert(false); assume(false)
assume(false); assert(false)

would denote empty relations.

Error Variable and Good States

Introduce variable “error”. Good states are states where this variable has value zero. We write OK for the formula error=0.

We assume that the desired properties $P$ satisfy \[ \models P \rightarrow OK \]

Desired Rules for Weakest Preconditions

For all $Q$ such that $\models Q \rightarrow OK$, we would like the following to hold: \[\begin{array}{l}

\models wp(c,Q) \rightarrow OK \\
wp(c1 [] c2,Q) = wp(c1,Q) \land wp(c2,Q) \\
wp(c1 ; c2,Q) = wp(c1,wp(c2,Q)) \\
wp(havoc(x),Q) = \forall x.Q \\
wp(x=e,Q) = Q[x:=e] \\
wp(assume(F),Q) = (OK \land (F \rightarrow Q)) \\
wp(assert(F),Q) = (F \land Q)


We assume above that $x$ is not the error variable.

Note: we wrote $OK \land ...$ in the weakest precondition of assume, but usually $OK$ is implicit and we do not write it. We do not need it in other cases because it follows that right hand side implies $OK$.

Relational Semantics that Fulfills These Rules

Let OK denote s(error)=0 and OK' denote s'(error)=0. We define:

  R_c(\mbox{havoc(x)}) &=& \{(s,s') \mid OK \rightarrow (OK' \land \bigwedge_{y \not\equiv x}\ s'(y)=s(y)) \} \\
  R_c(\mbox{assert}\ F}) &=& \{(s,s') \mid (OK \land F(s)) \rightarrow s=s' \} \\
  R_c(\mbox{assume}\ F}) &=& \{(s,s') \mid OK\ \rightarrow\ (F(s) \land s=s') \} \\
  R_c(c_1 [] c_2) & = & R_c(c_1) \cup R_c(c_2) \\
  R_c(c_1\ ;\ c_2) & = & R_c(c_1) \circ R_c(c_2) 
