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Minimization of Deterministic Finite State Machines

We consider deterministic finite state machine $M = (\Sigma,Q,\delta,q_0,F)$.

Goal: build a state machine $M'$ with the least number of states that accepts the language $L(M)$.

This is the process of minimization of $M$.

We say that state machine $M$ distinguishes strings $w$ and $w'$ iff it is not the case that ($w \in L(M)$ iff $w' \in L(M)$).

Step 1: Remove unreachable states

We first discard states that are not reachable from the initial state–such states are useless. In resulting machine, for each state $q$ there exists a string $s$ such that $\delta(q_0,s)=q$, let $s_q$ one such string of minimal length.

(Main) Step 2: Compute Non-Equivalent States

We wish to merge states $q$ and $q'$ into same group as long as they “behave the same” on all future strings $w$, i.e. \[

 \delta(q,w) \in F \mbox{ iff } \delta(q',w) \in F

\] for all $w$.

If the condition above holds, we called states equivalent. If the condition does not hold, we call states $q$,$q'$ non-equivalent. States $q$ and $q'$ are $w$-non-equivalent if it is not the case that ($\delta(q,w) \in F \mbox{ iff } \delta(q',w) \in F$).

Observe that

  1. if $q \in F$ and $q' \notin F$ then (taking $w$ to be empty string) we conclude that $q$ and $q'$ are non-equivalent.
  2. if $q$ and $q'$ are non-equivalent and we have $\delta(r,a)=q$, $\delta(r',a)=q'$ for some symbol $a \in \Sigma$, then $r$ and $r'$ are non-equivalent.

These two observations lead to an iterative algorithm for computing non-equivalence relation $\nu$

  1. initially put $\nu = (Q \cap F) \times (Q \setminus F)$
  2. repeat until no more changes: if for some states $(r,r') \notin \nu$ there is $a \in \Sigma$ such that $(\delta(r,a),\delta(r',a)) \in \nu$, then $\nu := \nu \cup \{(r,r')\}$

Step 3: Merge States that are not non-equivalent

Relation $Q^2 \setminus \nu$ is an equivalence relation and the 'factor automaton' obtained by merging equivalent states is well defined.

This is the minimal automaton.

Correctness of Minimization

Clearly, this algorithm terminates because in worst case all states become non-equivalent. We will prove below that the resulting value $\nu$ is the non-equivalence relation.

By induction, we can easily prove that if $(q,q') \in \nu$, then $q$ and $q'$ are non-equivalent. Similarly we can show that if $q$ and $q'$ are $w$-non-equivalent for $w$ of length $k$, then $(q,q') \in \nu$ by step $k$ of the algorithm. Because the algorithm terminates, this completes the proof that $\nu$ is the non-equivalence relation.

Consequently, $Q^2 \setminus \nu$ is the equivalence relation. From the definition of this equivalence it follows that if two states are equivalent, then so is the result of applying $\delta$ to them. Therefore, we have obtained a well-defined deterministic automaton.

Minimality of Constructed Automaton

Note that if two states are non-equivalent, there is $w$ such that states $\delta(q_0,s_q w)$ and $\delta(q_0,s_{q'} w)$ have different acceptance, so $M$ distinguishes $s_q w$ and $s_{q'}w$. Now, if we take any other state machine $M' = (\Sigma,Q',\delta',q'_0,F')$ with $L(M')=L(M)$, it means that $\delta'(q'_0,s_q) \neq \delta'(q'_0,s_{q'})$, otherwise $M'$ would not distinguish $s_q w$ and $s_{q'} w$. So, if there are $K$ pairwise non-equivalent states in $M$, then a minimal finite state machine for $L(M)$ must have at least $K$ states. Note that if the algorithm constructs a state machine with $K$ states, it means that $Q^2 \setminus \tau$ had $K$ equivalence relations, which means that there exist $K$ non-equivalent states. Therefore, any other deterministic machine will have at least as many states, proving that the constructed machine is minimal.