Context-Free Grammars

Purpose and Expressive Power

A context-free grammar is a way to specify languages.

Context-free grammars are more powerful than regular expressions: for each regular expression there is an equivalent context-free grammar, but the converse need not hold. Context-free grammars supposed not just iteration like regular expressions, but also more general forms of recursion.

ab Example

Strings of the form $a^n  b^n$ for $n \ge 1$ can be described by this recursive grammar

S ::= "ab" | "a" S "b"

This language is not regular.


Definition: Context-free grammar consists of

  • set of terminal symbols (letters of the alphabet)
  • set of non-terminal symbols (used to recursively define sets of strings)
  • one of the non-terminal symbols that is designed to be the starting non-terminal
  • a finite set of productions, which are grammar rules of the form
N ::= s1 ... sn

where N is a non-terminal, and each s1,…,sn is either a terminal or a non-terminal. The sequence s1…sn can be empty.

A string of terminals is generated by a grammar iff we can obtain this string by transforming sequences of terminals and non-terminals as follows:

  • the initial string contains only starting non-terminal
  • at each step, we select a non-terminal N in our string $p$ and select a production with N as left-hand side, and replace non-terminal with the right-hand side, obtaining string $p'$ (this process is denoted $p \Rightarrow p'$)

$u \Rightarrow^{+} v$ means $v$ is obtained from $u$ by one or more $\Rightarrow$ steps

$u \Rightarrow^{*} v$ means $v$ is obtained from $u$ by zero or more $\Rightarrow$ steps

  L(G) = \{ w \mid w \in \Sigma^*, \ S \Rightarrow^* w \}

Shorthands for Writing Context-Free Grammars

Note: we group multiple productions with same left-hand side, writing

N -> p | q

instead of

N -> p
N -> q

Also, we allow nesting, writing e.g.

N -> p (q | r) s

instead of

N -> p M s
M -> q | r

Finally, we allow the use of star as in regular expressions, because

N -> p*

is the same as

N -> "" | p N

Example of generating string aaabbb:

S -> aSb -> aaSbb -> aaabbb

Example: Polynomials

Polynomials are expressions that use variables, constants, operators +, * and parentheses. We can describe strings representing polynomials as follows:

polynomial ::= term | term "+" polynomial
term ::= factor | factor "*" term
factor ::= constant | variable | "(" polynomial ")"

we can also describe variables and constants:

variable ::= letter | variable digitSequence
constant ::= digitSequence | "-" digitSequence
digitSequence ::= digit | digit digitSequence
digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9"
letter ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "x" | "y" | "z"

Example of generating x+3*y:

(Each table entry represents one step in relation $\Rightarrow$.)

Example: English Sentences

This generates certain simple English sentences.

Sentence = Simple | Belief
Simple = Person liking Person
liking = "likes" | "does" "not" "like"
Person = "Barack" | "Joe" | "John" | "Sarah" | "Snoopy"
Belief = Person believing "that" Sentence optBut
believing = "believes" | "does" "not" "believe"
optBut = "" | "," "but" Sentence

Example sentence generated by above grammar:

“John does not believe that Barack believes that Sarah likes Snoopy, but Snoopy believes that Barack likes Joe.”

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