Efficient Functional Maps
Functional Balanced Search Trees
- update creates a new path (copying only log(n) nodes)
- lookup and update in log(n)
We present a simplified example that stores integers
- a real implementation stores comparable objects
- instead of '<' below, we would use the comparison method
Case Class Definition
sealed abstract class BST case class Empty() extends BST case class Node(left: BST, value: Int, right: BST) extends BST
Checking Membership in Tree
def contains(key: Int, t : BST): Boolean = t match { case Empty() => false case Node(left,v,right) => { if (key == v) true else if (key < v) contains(key, left) else contains(key, right) } }
Inserting into Tree
def add(x : Int, t : BST) : Node = t match { case Empty() => Node(Empty(),x,Empty()) case t @ Node(left,v,right) => { if (x < v) Node(add(x, left), v, right) else if (x==v) t else Node(left, v, add(x, right)) } }
Ensuring Balancing: Red-Black Trees
- prevent tree from degenerating into a list with bad sequence of insertions
- rebalance tree after each change
Invariants that imply balancing formulated using nodes of two colors: red and black.
- red node must have black children
- each path in tree from root to children must have the same number of black nodes
Data Type with Colors
sealed abstract class Color case class Red() extends Color case class Black() extends Color sealed abstract class Tree case class Empty() extends Tree case class Node(color: Color, left: Tree, value: Int, right: Tree) extends Tree
Inserting with Balancing
def add(x: Int, t: Tree): Tree = { def ins(t: Tree): Tree = t match { case Empty() => Node(Red(),Empty(),x,Empty()) case Node(c,a,y,b) => if (x < y) balance(c, ins(a), y, b) else if (x == y) Node(c,a,y,b) else balance(c,a,y,ins(b)) } makeBlack(ins(t)) } def balance(c: Color, a: Tree, x: Int, b: Tree): Tree = (c,a,x,b) match { case (Black(),Node(Red(),Node(Red(),a,xV,b),yV,c),zV,d) => Node(Red(),Node(Black(),a,xV,b),yV,Node(Black(),c,zV,d)) case (Black(),Node(Red(),a,xV,Node(Red(),b,yV,c)),zV,d) => Node(Red(),Node(Black(),a,xV,b),yV,Node(Black(),c,zV,d)) case (Black(),a,xV,Node(Red(),Node(Red(),b,yV,c),zV,d)) => Node(Red(),Node(Black(),a,xV,b),yV,Node(Black(),c,zV,d)) case (Black(),a,xV,Node(Red(),b,yV,Node(Red(),c,zV,d))) => Node(Red(),Node(Black(),a,xV,b),yV,Node(Black(),c,zV,d)) case (c,a,xV,b) => Node(c,a,xV,b) } def makeBlack(n: Tree): Tree = n match { case Node(Red(),l,v,r) => Node(Black(),l,v,r) case _ => n }
Benefit Summary
- keep old versions (e.g. when exiting scope, the old scope is around)
- easier to prove correct
- Book by Chris Okasaki: Purely Functional Data Structures
- Red-Black Trees in Functional Settings (a pearl)
- AVL Trees Proved Correct (also balanced, but not red-black)
Imperative Table with Update Log
Emulate functional behavior using an imperative hash table
- internally mutable, observationally immutable
- updates the hashtable
- creates a log entry that specifies how the old version differs from new one
Old version:
- checks if the value has been changed, if so uses log to look it up
- otherwise looks up the log in the table
- constant-time access for last version produced in computation