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Tips for Effective Web Editing

Editing Text using a Decent Editor

With this, you will be able to press a few keys and bring up your favorite editor containing the wiki page to edit, then save it back, often without even using your mouse.

The description is for Linux Debian Firefox, but it should also work on some other platforms.


  1. when any editing textbox occurs in a web page, right-click on it and configure it to have a hotkey, (such as Alt-Shift-T for “T”ext editor)
  2. observe that in Dokuwiki you can invoke
    1. edit button of a page by Alt-Shift-E
    2. preview button of a page by Alt-Shift-P
    3. save button of a page by Alt-Shift-S (that was a surprise, wasn't it?)
  3. save your passwords for wiki login so no need to retype them

To edit a page, press Alt-Shift-E, Alt-T, edit what you wish, save it in your editor, then press Alt-Shift-S.

More Tips

    • use keyword in bookmarks to get to right wiki page: add a bookmark to wiki and use %s to pass keyword, see above