Paper presentation procedure and schedule

We will spend 45 minutes in class discussing each paper.

All of you should thoroughly read and try to understand every paper to prepare for the discussion. For each paper, you will submit a summary of one page maximum. This is to ensure that everyone has read and understood all of the papers being discussed. The summary should both summarize the paper, and include your own evaluation of the contributions and limitations of the paper. The summary will be graded either pass or fail. The deadline for each summary will be immediately before the in-class discussion of the corresponding paper.

For each paper, the presenting student should prepare a 30 minute presentation about the paper. The presentation should set the tone for the discussion. Since everyone has read the paper but perhaps not understood all the details, the presentation can introduce the paper relatively quickly and go deeper into the interesting details. You may use figures/algorithms/tables/theorems/etc. from the paper in your presentation, but only if you are explaining them as part of your presentation. Do not just show an excerpt from the paper without saying anything about it.

After the presentation, the presenters will lead and stimulate the discussion of the paper for the remaining 15 minutes.

Everyone is expected to participate actively in the discussion, and a small part of your grade will be allocated to ensuring that you do participate.

The two presenters of each paper are not required to submit a summary of that paper.