Termination and Efficiency of Abstract Interpretation Analysis
Definition: A chain of length is a sequence
such that
where means, as usual,
Definition: A partial order has a finite height if it has a chain of length
and every chain is of length at most
A finite lattice is of finite height
Example: The constant propagation lattice is an infinite lattice of height 2. One example chain of length 2 is
Here the function is given by
The ordering is given by iff
Example: If a state of a (one-variable) program is given by an integer, then a concrete lattice element is a set of integers. This lattice has infinite height. There is a chain
for every .
Convergence in Lattices of Finite Heignth
Consider a finite-height lattice of height
and function
What is the maximum length of sequence ?
Give an effectively computable expression for .
Computing the Height when Combining Lattices
Let denote the height of the lattice
Given lattices and
, consider product lattice with set
and potwise order
What is the height of the product lattice?
Given lattice and set
, consider the lattice
defined by
iff .
What is the height of the exponent lattice?
Answer: height of times the cardinality of