Labs 08
The tools we will use are
Princess is a theorem prover for Presburger arithmetic.
MONA is a tool that translates formulas into finite-state automata. It supports WS1S and WS2S.
- Presburger arithmetic
- uninterpreted predicates (tool may not terminate on these)
\existentialConstants { int A, B; } \predicates { divides(int, int); } \problem { \forall int x; divides(x, x) -> \forall int x, y; (divides(x, y) -> divides(x, y+x) & divides(x, y-x)) -> divides(A, 51) & A < 51 & A > 1 & divides(B, 42) & divides(B, 49) & B > 1 }
This will produce a satisfying assignment, if one exists. To get the most general answer, use the option “+mostGeneralConstraint”. (Note that on the above the tool does not terminate.)
Use Princess to solve the constraint system we had in class.
One possible application of the tool is in code simplification. Use Princess to eliminate the temporary variables in the following code:
t1 = a + b t2 = c + d t3 = t1 + e sum = t3 + t2
Use Princess to solve this puzzle: If Frank and Sam total their ages, the answer is 49. Frank is twice as old as Sam was when Frank was as old as Sam is now. How old are Frank and Sam?
Consider the following problem: You have 4 weights, which have to be combined in the following way
w1 + 3 * w2 + 9 * w3 + 27 * w4 == weight
and the weights can be between -1 and 1.
- Does this problem have a solution for weight = 42?
- Use Princess to find a value for weight, for which this formula is satisfiable. (Without trying out all values between -100 and 100 if possible
Use princess to solve the following optimization problem:
MONA syntax
MONA supports
- booleans, integers and sets of integers
- addition and subtraction, but only with a constant, i.e. x + 1 is allowed, but x + y or 1 + x is not.
- set operations (
, \, {…}, sub (),
=, ~=
) - boolean operators (
) - quantifiers(
ex0, ex1, ex2, all0, all1, all2
) <, >, ⇐, >=, =, ~=
- min{…}, max{…}
- only finite sets
- predicates
var2 P,Q; P\Q = {0,4} union {1,2}; pred even(var1 p) = ex2 Q: p in Q & (all1 q: (0 < q & q <= p) => (q in Q => q - 1 notin Q) & (q notin Q => q - 1 in Q)) & 0 in Q; var1 x; var0 A; A & even(x) & x notin P;
Try out what MONA produces for the automata for ,
and also
what happens when you negate your formula.
Use MONA to show that .
Optional, for those who are fast
Derive the Hoare triple for this piece of code and show that it holds using Princess
var content : set; var size : integer; invariant I ⇐⇒ (size = |content|); procedure insert(e : element) maintains I requires |e| = 1 ∧ |e ∩ content| = 0 ensures size′> 0 { content := content ∪ e; size := size + 1; }