Simplification of Side Effecting Expressions
Statement simplification separates
- set of side effects (sequence of simple statements)
- computation result (denoted by potentially fresh variable)
Example signature:
def simp(e : Expr) : Pair[VarName, List[Statement]] = ...
We should have the following (pseudo code) equation:
simp(e1 + e2) = val (v1,st1) = simp(e1) val (v2,st2) = simp(e2) val v3 = getFreshVar val st3 = (Assignment(v3 = v1 + v2)) return (v3, st1 ::: st2 ::: List(st3))
Apply to = y y = (x = null | == y)
Short-circuit evaluation.
Compiler intermediate representation is sometimes more convenient than source code
- or verification system can repeat the compilation process from source to relations (guarded commands)