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sav08:relational_semantics_of_procedures [2009/05/26 15:19]
sav08:relational_semantics_of_procedures [2015/04/21 17:30] (current)
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 In [[Relational Semantics]] for a language without procedures we had semantic function that maps programs to relations In [[Relational Semantics]] for a language without procedures we had semantic function that maps programs to relations
    r_c : C \to {\cal R}    r_c : C \to {\cal R}
 so $r_c(c_1)$ was the relation corresponding to the command $c_1$, and we denote it by $[\![c_1]\!]$. so $r_c(c_1)$ was the relation corresponding to the command $c_1$, and we denote it by $[\![c_1]\!]$.
 How can we define semantics for program with recursive procedures? How can we define semantics for program with recursive procedures?
 +We consider first the case of procedures without parameters; adding parameters is straightforward.
 ===== One Recursive Procedure ===== ===== One Recursive Procedure =====
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Suppose we have relation $r_{move}$ describing the meaning of the procedure. By [[Relational Semantics]],​ this procedure should behave similarly as the meanings of commands, so we should have the following equation: Suppose we have relation $r_{move}$ describing the meaning of the procedure. By [[Relational Semantics]],​ this procedure should behave similarly as the meanings of commands, so we should have the following equation:
    ​r_{move} = ([\![assume(x>​0)]\!]\ \circ\ [\![x=x-1]\!]\ \circ\ r_{move}\ \circ\ [\![y=y+1]\!])\ \bigcup\ [\![assume(!(x>​0))]\!]    ​r_{move} = ([\![assume(x>​0)]\!]\ \circ\ [\![x=x-1]\!]\ \circ\ r_{move}\ \circ\ [\![y=y+1]\!])\ \bigcup\ [\![assume(!(x>​0))]\!]
 Denoting the right-hand side by $F(r_{move})$,​ we can write the above as Denoting the right-hand side by $F(r_{move})$,​ we can write the above as
    ​r_{move} = F(r_{move})    ​r_{move} = F(r_{move})
 Thus, the meaning of the procedure is the fixpoint of function $F : {\cal R} \to {\cal R}$ given by Thus, the meaning of the procedure is the fixpoint of function $F : {\cal R} \to {\cal R}$ given by
    F(t) = ([\![assume(x>​0)]\!]\ \circ\ [\![x=x-1]\!]\ \circ\ t\ \circ\ [\![y=y+1]\!])\ \bigcup\ [\![assume(!(x>​0))]\!]    F(t) = ([\![assume(x>​0)]\!]\ \circ\ [\![x=x-1]\!]\ \circ\ t\ \circ\ [\![y=y+1]\!])\ \bigcup\ [\![assume(!(x>​0))]\!]
 Note that $F$ is monotonic in its argument, because the operators $\circ$, $\cup$ are monotonic: Note that $F$ is monotonic in its argument, because the operators $\circ$, $\cup$ are monotonic:
   * $r_1 \subseteq r_2\ \rightarrow\ (r_1 \circ s) \subseteq (r_2 \circ s)$   * $r_1 \subseteq r_2\ \rightarrow\ (r_1 \circ s) \subseteq (r_2 \circ s)$
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   * $r_1 \subseteq r_2\ \rightarrow\ r_1 \cup s \subseteq r_2 \cup s$   * $r_1 \subseteq r_2\ \rightarrow\ r_1 \cup s \subseteq r_2 \cup s$
 Similarly, the function is $\omega$-continuous (see [[sav08:​Tarski'​s Fixpoint Theorem]]). Thus, it has the least fixpoint, and this fixpoint is given by Similarly, the function is $\omega$-continuous (see [[sav08:​Tarski'​s Fixpoint Theorem]]). Thus, it has the least fixpoint, and this fixpoint is given by
     r_{move} = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} F^n(\emptyset)     r_{move} = \bigcup_{n \ge 0} F^n(\emptyset)
 In fact, $F^n(\emptyset)$ represents the result of inlining the recursive procedure $n$ times. Therefore, if $s_0$ is the initial state such In fact, $F^n(\emptyset)$ represents the result of inlining the recursive procedure $n$ times. Therefore, if $s_0$ is the initial state such
 that the computation in the procedure terminates within $n$ steps, then $(s_0,s) \in F^n(\emptyset)$ iff $(s_0,s) \in r_{move}$. that the computation in the procedure terminates within $n$ steps, then $(s_0,s) \in F^n(\emptyset)$ iff $(s_0,s) \in r_{move}$.
 +In this example, we have
 +   ​r_{move} = \{((x,​y),​(x',​y'​).\ (x > 0 \land x'=0 \land y'​=x+y) \lor (x \le 0 \land x'=x \land y'=y) \}
 ===== Multiple Mutually Recursive Procedures ===== ===== Multiple Mutually Recursive Procedures =====
-The results extend to any number of call sites and any number of mutually recursive procedures, we just consider a function $G {\cal R}^d \to {\cal R}^d$ where $d$ is the number of procedures; this mapping describes how, given one approximation of procedure semantics, compute a better approximation that is correct for longer executions. We have operations $\sqsubseteq$ and $\sqcup$ analogous to $\subseteq$ and $\cup$ (indeed, the domain ${\cal R}^d$, ​that is $(2^{S\times S})^d$, is isomorphic to $2^{S\times S \times \{1,​2,​\ldots,​d\}}$). +**Example:** Consider ​the following example. The idea is that after execution ​of the procedure even(), the boolean variable wasEven shows whether the initial value of x was even.
- +
-The meaning ​of all procedures is therefore ​the tuple $p_* \in {\cal R}^n$ given by $\bigsqcup\limits_{n \ge 0} G^n(\emptyset,\ldots,​\emptyset)$. +
- +
-Remark: because $p_*$ is the least fixpoint ​of $G$, by [[sav08:​Tarski'​s Fixpoint Theorem]], it is also the least $p$ such that $G(p) \sqsubseteq p$. +
- +
-**Example:​**  +
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-var n, res, b +var x : int 
-proc exp() { +var wasEven : bool 
-  if (n > 0) { + 
-    ​if (n % 2 =0) +proc even() { 
-      ​even() +  if (x==0) { 
-    ​else +    ​wasEven ​true; 
-      odd()+  } else { 
 +    ​x = x - 1; 
 +    odd();
   }   }
-proc even() { 
-  n = n / 2; 
-  b = b * b; 
-  exp(); 
 } }
 proc odd() { proc odd() {
-  ​n / 2+  ​if (x==0) { 
-  ​b * b;+    wasEven = false
 +  ​} else { 
 +    x x - 1; 
 +    even(); 
 +  }
 } }
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +We can write the bodies as follows:
 +even() =
 +   ​(assume(x==0);​ wasEven = true)
 +   []
 +   ​(assume(x!=0);​ x = x - 1; odd())
 +odd() = 
 +   ​(assume(x==0);​ wasEven = false)
 +   []
 +   ​(assume(x!=0);​ x = x - 1; even())
 +Now, we turn mutually recursive definition into a simple recursive definition by taking the pair of the meaning of odd and even. We need to find
 +relations $r_{even}$, $r_{odd}$ such that
 +   ​(r_{even},​r_{odd}) = G(r_{even},​r_{odd})
 +where the function $G : {\cal R}^2 \to {\cal R}^2$ is given by:
 +G(E,O) = 
 +      \bigg( ([\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=true]\!]) \cup
 +      ([\![assume(x!=0)]\!] \circ [\![x=x-1]\!] \circ O)\ , \\
 +      ([\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=false]\!]) \cup
 +      ([\![assume(x!=0)]\!] \circ [\![x=x-1]\!] \circ E) \bigg)
 +We define lattice structure on ${\cal R}^2$ by 
 +   ​(r_1,​r_2) \sqsubseteq (r'​_1,​r'​_2) \ \mbox{ iff } \ (r_1 \subseteq r'_1) \land (r_2 \subseteq r'_2)
 +   ​(r_1,​r_2) \sqcup (r'​_1,​r'​_2) = (r_1 \cup r'_1, r_2 \cup r'_2)
 +Note that:
 +   ​G(\emptyset,​\emptyset) = ([\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=true]\!],​ [\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=false]\!])
 +   ​G(G(\emptyset,​\emptyset)) =
 +      \bigg( ([\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=true]\!]) \cup
 +      ([\![assume(x!=0)]\!] \circ [\![x=x-1]\!] \circ G(\emptyset,​\emptyset).\_2)\ , \\
 +      ([\![assume(x==0)]\!] \circ [\![wasEven=false]\!]) \cup
 +      ([\![assume(x!=0)]\!] \circ [\![x=x-1]\!] \circ G(\emptyset,​\emptyset).\_1) \bigg)
 +where $p.\_1$ and $p.\_2$ denote first, respectively,​ second, element of the pair $p$.
 +The results extend to any number of call sites and any number of mutually recursive procedures, we just consider a function $G : {\cal R}^d \to {\cal R}^d$ where $d$ is the number of procedures; this mapping describes how, given one approximation of procedure semantics, compute a better approximation that is correct for longer executions. ​
 +We define $\sqsubseteq$ and $\sqcup$ analogous to $\subseteq$ and $\cup$ (indeed, the domain ${\cal R}^d$, that is $(2^{S\times S})^d$, is isomorphic to $2^{S\times S \times \{1,​2,​\ldots,​d\}}$).
 +The meaning of all procedures is then the tuple $p_* \in {\cal R}^n$ given by $\bigsqcup\limits_{n \ge 0} G^n(\emptyset,​\ldots,​\emptyset)$.
 +=== Example ===
 +In the example above, we can prove that
 +   ​r_{even} = \{((x,​wasEven),​(x',​wasEven'​).\ x \ge 0 \land x' = 0 \land
 +     ​(wasEven'​ \leftrightarrow ((x \mod 2) = 0))
 +   ​r_{odd} = \{((x,​wasEven),​(x',​wasEven'​).\ x \ge 0 \land x' = 0 \land
 +     ​(wasEven'​ \leftrightarrow ((x \mod 2) \ne 0))
 +=== Remark === 
 +$p_*$ is the least fixpoint of $G$, so by [[sav08:​Tarski'​s Fixpoint Theorem]], it is also the least $p$ such that $G(p) \sqsubseteq p$. Thus, $G(p) \sqsubseteq p$ implies $p_* \sqsubseteq p$.