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sav08:qbf_and_quantifier_elimination [2008/03/10 11:14]
sav08:qbf_and_quantifier_elimination [2008/03/10 11:16]
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 === Quantified Propositional Formula Syntax === === Quantified Propositional Formula Syntax ===
 +We extend the definition of formulas with quantifiers $\forall p.F$ and $\exists p.F$ where $p \in V$:
 +   ​F ​ & ::= & V \mid {\it false} \mid {\it true} \mid (F \land F) \mid (F \lor F) \mid (\lnot F) \mid (F \rightarrow F) \mid (F \leftrightarrow F) \\
 +      &     & \forall V. F\ \mid\ \exists V. F
 === Eliminating quantifiers by expansion === === Eliminating quantifiers by expansion ===