Normal Forms for First-Order Logic
Example Formula
We will look at the language where
is relation symbol of arity one
is relation symbol of arity two
is a constant
is a function symbol of two arguments
Consider this formula in :
We are interested in checking the validity of this formula (is it true in all interpretations). We will check the satisfiability of the negation of this formula (does it have a model):
We will first consider a range of techniques that allow us to convert such formula to simpler normal forms.
Negation Normal Form
In negation normal form of formula the negation applies only to atomic formulas.
Every FOL formula can be transformed in NNF using the formulas used for the same purpose in PL extended by two new ones :
NNF of Example
Prenex Normal Form
Prenex normal form has all quantifiers in front.
Prenex normal form (PNF) is a formula of the form
where and
has no quantifiers.
Any FOL formula can be transformed to PNF. First convert it to NNF, then if several quantified variables or free variables have the same name rename them to fresh names, and finaly use the following formulas :
PNF of Example
Skolem Normal Form
Let be a predicate with two arguments.
Note that
but converse implication does not hold (take as relation
on natural numbers).
In general, we have this theorem:
where is a function.
(): For each
we take
as the witness
(): We know there exists a witness
for each
. We define
to map
to one such witness
. (To prove that this is possible requires axiom of choice from set theory.)
End Proof.
Note also that satisfiability of formula expresses existential quantification over function symbols and relation symbols.
Definition: Skolemization is the result of applying this transformation
to the entire PNF formula to eliminate all existential quantifiers. Above, is a fresh function symbol. Denote
the result of applying skolemization to formula
Lemma: A set of formulas in prenex normal form is satisfiable iff the set
is satisfiable.
SNF for Example
Note: it is better to do PNF and SNF for each conjunct independently.
CNF and Sets of Clauses
Let be
. Convert
to conjunctive normal form
. Then
is equivalent to
where each is a disjunction of first-order literals. We call
(first-order) clause. For a given formula
, denote the set of such clauses in conjunctive normal form of
We omit universal quantifiers because all variables are universally quantified. We use a convention to denote variables by and constants by
Theorem: The set is satisfiable iff the set
is satisfiable.
Clauses for Example
Another Example: Irreflexive Dense Linear Orders
Let be binary relation (“strictly less”). We consider the following axioms for irreflexive partial order that is total and dense:
Let us find clauses for these axioms :