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Herbrand Universe for Equality

Recall example of formula $F$: \[

  P(a) \land (\forall x.\ P(x) \rightarrow \lnot P(f(x))) \land (\forall x. x=a \lor x=b)

\] Replace '=' with 'eq': \[

  P(a) \land (\forall x.\ P(x) \rightarrow \lnot P(f(x))) \land (\forall x. eq(x,a) \lor eq(x,b))

\] call the resulting formula $F'$.

Consider Herbrand model $(GT,I_H)$ for the set $\{F'\} \cup AxEq$. The relation $I_H(eq)$ splits $GT$ into two sets: the set of terms eq with $a$, and the set of terms eq with $b$.

Constructing Model for Formulas with Equality

Let $S$ be a set of formulas in first-order logic with equality and $S'$ result of replacing '=' with 'eq' in $S$. Suppose that $S \cup AxEq$ is satisfiable. Let $(GT,I_H)$ be Herbrand model for $S \cup AxEq$. We construct a new model using quotient construction, described as follows.

For each element $t \in GT$, define \[

  [t] = \{ s \mid (s,t) \in I_H(eq) \}

\] Let \[

  [GT] = \{ [t] \mid t \in GT \}

\] The constructed model will be $([GT],I_Q)$ where \[

  I_Q(f) = \{ ([t_1],\ldots,[t_n], [f(t_1,\ldots,t_n)]) \mid t_1,\ldots,t_n \in GT \}

\] \[

  I_Q(R) = \{ ([t_1],\ldots,[t_n]) \mid (t_1,\ldots,t_n) \in I_H(R) \}


In particular, when $R$ is $eq$ we have

$I_Q(eq) = $