Fixed-Width Bitvectors
Bitvector: integer from some finite inteval of length
Logic on bitvectors.
- formulas for +.
We can reduce reasoning on bitvectors to reasoning in propositional logic.
- exact reasoning about Java integers
- finding counterexamples for formulas over unbounded integers
Expressing Linear Arithmetic with Given Bounds
Consider formulas in our linear arithmetic language:
T ::= K | V | (T + T) | (T - T) | (K * T) | (T / K) | (T % K) F ::= (T=T) | (T < T) | (T > T) | (~F) | (F & F) | (F|F) V ::= x | y | z | ... K ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
Suppose we are given bounds for all integer variables and that they belong to .
We present translation from to equisatisfiable
in propositional logic. That is,
is equivalent to
Where and
For each bounded integer variable we introduce propositional variables corresponding to its binary representation.
The constructions for operations correspond to implementing these operations in hardware circuits:
- adder for +
- shift for *
- comparator for <, =
Example: propositional formula expressing when
Note that subtraction can be expressed using addition, similarly for / and %.
How to express inverse operations for nested terms?
Additional pre-processing is useful. Much more on such encodings we will see later, and can also be found here:
Later we will see how to prove that linear arithmetic holds for all bounds and not just given one.