Definition of Set Constraints
Set constraints are a logic used in program analysis. In set constraints, each variable denotes a set of ground terms.
Let be a language of function symbols and constants. We write
for an element of
. Let
be the set of ground terms in language
Syntax of Set Constraints
- set variable
- standard set operations and relations
- function symbol
- in
is an integer between 1 and arity of
- set variable, subset of
- standard set operations and relations
What is the least solution of constraints
where is constant and
is unary function symbol.
What is the least solution of constraints
where is constant,
are unary function symbols.
Let where
are constants representing propositional constants
is unary function symbol representing negation in abstract syntax tree
are binary function symbols representing
in syntax tree
Then the set of ground terms represents propositional formulas.
What does the least solution of these constraints represent (where ,
are set variables):
Existence of Solutions
We were able to talk about “the least solution” because previous examples can be rewritten into form
where is a
-morphism (and therefore monotonic and
-continuous). The least solution can therefore be computed by fixpoint iteration (but it may contain infinite sets).