Backward VCG: Symbolic Execution using Weakest Preconditions

We again assume for simplicity to have two variables, $V = \{ x,y \}$.

Rules for Computing Weakest Preconditions

We derive the rules below from the definition of weakest precondition on sets and relations

   wp(r,Q) = \{ s \mid \forall s'. (s,s') \in r \rightarrow s' \in Q \}

Assume Statement

Suppose we have one variable x, and identify state with that variable. By definition

   wp(\Delta_F,Q) & = \{s \mid \forall s'. (s,s') \in \Delta_F \rightarrow s' \in Q \} \\
                  & = \{ s \mid \forall s'. (s \in F \land s=s') \rightarrow s' \in Q \} \\
                  & = \{ s \mid s \in F \rightarrow s \in Q \}

Changing from sets to formulas (and keeping the same name), we obtain the rule for wp on formulas:

   wp(assume(F), Q) = (F \rightarrow Q)

Assignment Statement

Consider the case of two variables. Recall that the relation associated with the assignment x=e is

   x' = e \land y' = y

Then we have, for formula $Q$ containing $x$ and $y$:

   wp(r_c(x=e),\{(x,y) \mid Q\}) & = \{(x,y) \mid \forall x'.\forall y'.\ x'=e \land y'=y \rightarrow Q[x:=x',y:=y'] \} \\
                                 & = \{(x,y) \mid Q[x:=e] \}

From here we obtain:

   wp(x = e, Q) = Q[x:=e]

Havoc Statement

   wp({\it havoc}(x),Q) = \forall x.Q

Sequential Composition

     wp(r_1 \circ r_2, Q) = wp(r_1, wp(r_2, Q))

Same for formulas:

    wp(c_1\ ;\ c_2, Q) = wp(c_1, wp(c_2, Q))

Nondeterministic Choice (Branches)

In terms of sets and relations

    wp(r_1 \cup r_2, Q) = wp(r_1,Q) \cap wp(r_2, Q)

In terms of formulas

   wp(c_1 [] c_2, Q) = wp(c_1,Q) \land wp(c_2,Q)

Size of Generated Verification Conditions

Because of the rule $wp(c_1 [] c_2, Q) = wp(c_1,Q) \land wp(c_2,Q)$ which duplicates $Q$, the size can be exponential.

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