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sav07_lecture_3_skeleton [2007/03/20 14:35]
sav07_lecture_3_skeleton [2007/03/21 14:27] (current)
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 ====== Lecture 3 (Skeleton) ====== ====== Lecture 3 (Skeleton) ======
 +Summary of what we are doing in today'​s class:
 +===== Verification condition generation: converting programs into formulas =====
 ==== Context ==== ==== Context ====
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   * represent programs using guarded command language, e.g. desugaring of '​if'​ into non-deterministic choice and assume   * represent programs using guarded command language, e.g. desugaring of '​if'​ into non-deterministic choice and assume
   * give meaning to guarded command language statements as relations   * give meaning to guarded command language statements as relations
-  * we can represent relations using set comprehensions;​ if our program ​has two state components, we can represent its meaning R(r) as +  * we can represent relations using set comprehensions;​ if our program ​has two state components, we can represent its meaning R( ) as $\{((x_0,​y_0),​(x,​y)) \mid F  \}$, where F is some formula that has x,y,x_0,y_0 as free variables.
-<​latex>​ +
-\{((x_0,​y_0),​(x,​y)) \mid F \} +
-</​latex> ​      +
-    ​where F is some formula that has x,y,x_0,y_0 as free variables.+
-Our goal is to find rules for computing R(r) that are+  * simple values: variables are integers. ​ Later we will talk about modeling pointers and arrays, but what we say now applies 
 +Our goal is to find rules for computing R( ) that are
   * correct   * correct
   * efficient   * efficient
-  * create formulas that we can prove later+  * create formulas that we can effectively ​prove later 
 +What exactly do we prove about the formula R( c ) ? 
 +We prove that this formula is **valid**:​ 
 +  R( c ) -> error=false 
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 In our simple language, basic statements are assignment, havoc, assume, assert. In our simple language, basic statements are assignment, havoc, assume, assert.
-R(x=t) = (x=t & y=y_0 & error=error_0)+  ​R(x=t) = (x=t & y=y_0 & error=error_0)
 **Note**: all our statements will have the property that if error_0 = true, then error=true. ​ That is, you can never recover from an error state. ​ This is convenient: if we prove no errors at the end, then there were never errors in between. **Note**: all our statements will have the property that if error_0 = true, then error=true. ​ That is, you can never recover from an error state. ​ This is convenient: if we prove no errors at the end, then there were never errors in between.
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 **Note**: the condition y=y_0 & error=error_0 is called <​b>​frame condition</​b>​. ​ There are as many conjuncts as there are components of the state. ​ This can be annoying to write, so let us use shorthand frame(x) for it.  The shorthand frame(x) denotes a conjunction of v=v_0 for all v that are distinct from x (in this case y and error). ​ We can have zero or more variables as arguments of frame, so frame() means that nothing changes. **Note**: the condition y=y_0 & error=error_0 is called <​b>​frame condition</​b>​. ​ There are as many conjuncts as there are components of the state. ​ This can be annoying to write, so let us use shorthand frame(x) for it.  The shorthand frame(x) denotes a conjunction of v=v_0 for all v that are distinct from x (in this case y and error). ​ We can have zero or more variables as arguments of frame, so frame() means that nothing changes.
-R(havoc x) = frame(x) +  ​R(havoc x) = frame(x) 
-R(assume F) = F[x:=x_0, y:=y_0, error:​=error_0] +  R(assume F) = F[x:=x_0, y:=y_0, error:​=error_0] ​& frame() 
-R(assert F) = (F -> frame)+  R(assert F) = (F -> frame)
 **Note**: **Note**:
-x=t  is same as  havoc(x);​assume(x=t)+  ​x=t  is same as  havoc(x);​assume(x=t)
-assert false = crash  (stops with error)+  ​assert false = crash  (stops with error
 +  assume true  = skip   (does nothing)
-assume true  = skip   (does nothing) 
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 Non-deterministic choice is union of relations, that is, disjunction of formulas: Non-deterministic choice is union of relations, that is, disjunction of formulas:
-CR(c1 [] c2) = CR(c1) | CR(c2)+  ​CR(c1 [] c2) = CR(c1) | CR(c2)
 In sequential composition we follow the rule for composition of relations. ​ We want to get again formula with free variables x_0,​y_0,​x,​y. ​ So we need to do renaming. ​ Let x_1,​y_1,​error_1 be fresh variables. In sequential composition we follow the rule for composition of relations. ​ We want to get again formula with free variables x_0,​y_0,​x,​y. ​ So we need to do renaming. ​ Let x_1,​y_1,​error_1 be fresh variables.
-CR(c1 ; c2) = exists x_1,​y_1,​error_1. ​ CR(c1)[x:​=x_1,​y:​=y_1,​error:​=error_1] & CR(c2)[x:​=x_1,​y:​=y_1,​error:​=error_1]+  ​CR(c1 ; c2) = exists x_1,​y_1,​error_1. ​ CR(c1)[x:​=x_1,​y:​=y_1,​error:​=error_1] & CR(c2)[x:​=x_1,​y:​=y_1,​error:​=error_1]
 +The base case is
-==== Papers ====+  CR(c)=R(c) 
 +when c is a basic command. 
 +==== Avoiding accumulation of equalities ==== 
 +This approach generates many variables and many frame conditions. ​  
 +Ignoring error for the moment, we have, for example: 
 +  R(x=3) = (x=3 & y=y_0) 
 +  R(y=x+2) = (y=x_0 + 2 & x=x_0) 
 +  CR(x=3;​y=x+2) = x_1=3 & y_1 = y_0 & y = x_1 + 2 & x = x_1 
 +But if a variable is equal to another, it can be substituted using the substitution rules 
 +  (exists x_1. x_1=t & F(x_1)) ​    <​-> ​   F(t) 
 +  (forall x_1. x_1=t -> F(x_1) ​    <​-> ​   F(t) 
 +We can apply these rules to reduce the size of formulas. 
 +==== Approximation ==== 
 +If (F -> G) is value, we say that F is stronger than F and we say G is weaker than F. 
 +When a formula would be too complicated,​ we can instead create a simpler approximate formula. ​ To be sound, if our goal is to prove a property, we need to generate a *larger* relation, which corresponds to a weaker formula describing a relation, and a stronger verification condition. ​ (If we were trying to identify counterexamples,​ we would do the opposite). 
 +We can replace "​assume F" with "​assume F1" where F1 is weaker. ​ Consequences:​ 
 +  * omtiting complex if conditionals (assuming both branches can happen - as in most type systems) 
 +  * replacing complex assignments with arbitrary change to variable: because x=t is havoc(x);​assume(x=t) and we drop the assume 
 +This idea is important in static analysis. 
 +==== Symbolic execution ==== 
 +Symbolic execution converts programs into formulas by going forward. ​ It is therefore somewhat analogous to the way an [[interpreter]] for the language would work.   
 +Avoid renaming all the time. 
 +  SE(F,k, c1; c2) = SE(F & R(c1), k+1, c2)             ​(update formula) 
 +  SE(F,k,(c1 [] c2); c2) = SE(F, k, c1) | SE(F,​k,​c2) ​  ​(explore both branches) 
 +Note: how many branches do we get? 
 +Strongest postcondition:​ 
 +  sp(P,r) = \{ s_2 \mid \exists s_1.\ s_1 \in P \land (s_1,s_2) \in r \} 
 +Like composition of a set with a relation. ​ It's called ''​relational image''​ of set $P$ under relation $r$. 
 +Note: when proving our verification condition, instead of proving that semantics of relation implies error=false,​ it's same as proving that the formula for set sp(U,r) implies error=false,​ where U is the universal relation, or, in terms of formulas, computing the strongest postcondition of formula '​true'​. 
 +==== Weakest preconditions ==== 
 +While symbolic execution computes formula by going forward along the program syntax tree, weakest precondition computes formula by going backward. 
 +  wp(Q, x=t) = 
 +  wp(Q, assume F) = 
 +  wp(Q, assert F) = 
 +  wp(Q, c1 [] c2) =  
 +  wp(Q, c1 ; c2) =  
 +==== Inferring Loop Invariants ==== 
 +Suppose we compute strongest postcondition in a program where we unroll loop k times. 
 +  * What does it denote? ​  
 +  * What is its relationship to loop invariant?​ 
 +Weakening strategies 
 +  * maintain a conjunction 
 +  * drop conjuncts that do not remain true 
 +  * decide that you will only loop for formulas of restricted form, as in abstract interpretation and data flow analysis (next week) 
 +===== One useful decision procedure: Proving quantifier-free linear arithmetic formulas ===== 
 +Suppose that we obtain (one or more) verification conditions of the form 
 + F\ \rightarrow\ (\mbox{error}=\mbox{false}) 
 +whose validity we need to prove. ​ We here assume that F contains only linear arithmetic. ​ Note: we can check satisfiability of $F\ \land\ (\mbox{error}=\mbox{true})$. ​ We show an algorithm to check this satisfiability. 
 +==== Quantifier Presburger arithmetic ==== 
 +Here is the grammar: 
 +  var = x | y | z | ...                    (variables) 
 +  K = ... | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ...      (integer constants) 
 +  T ::= var | T + T | K * T                (terms) 
 +  A ::= T=T | T <= T                       ​(atomic formulas) 
 +  F ::= A  |  F & F |  F|F  |  ~F          (formulas) 
 +To get full Presburger arithmetic, allow existential and universal quantifiers in formula as well. 
 +Note: we can assume we have boolean variables (such as '​error'​) as well, because we can represent them as 0/1 integers. 
 +Satisfiability of quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic is decidable. 
 +Proof: small model theorem. 
 +==== Small model theorem for Quantifier-Free Presburger Arithmetic (QFPA) ==== 
 +First step: transform to disjunctive normal form. 
 +Next: reduce to integer linear programming:​ 
 +  A\vec x = \vec b, \qquad \vec x \geq \vec 0 
 +where $A \in {\cal Z}^{m,n}$ and $x \in {\cal Z}^n$. 
 +Then solve integer linear programming (ILP) problem 
 +  * [[wk>​Integer Linear Programming]] 
 +  * online book chapter on ILP 
 +  * [[http://​​software/​glpk/​|GLPK]] tool 
 +We can prove small model theorem for ILP - gives bound on search. 
 +Short proof by {{papadimitriou81complexityintegerprogramming.pdf|Papadimitriou}}:​ 
 +  * solution of Ax=b (A regular) has as components rationals of form p/q with bounded p,q 
 +  * duality of linear programming 
 +  * obtains bound $M = n(ma)^{2m+1}$,​ which needs $\log n + (2m+1)\log(ma)$ bits 
 +  * we could encode the problem into SAT: use circuits for addition, comparison etc. 
 +Note: if small model theorem applies to conjunctions,​ it also applies to arbitrary QFPA formulas. ​  
 +Moreover, one can improve these bounds. ​ One tool based on these ideas is [[http://​​~uclid/​|UCLID]]. 
 +Alternative:​ enumerate disjuncts of DNF on demand, each disjunct is a conjunction,​ then use ILP techniques (often first solve the underlying linear programming problem over reals). ​ Many SMT tools are based on this idea (along with Nelson-Oppen combination:​ next class). 
 +  * [[http://​​acsys/​cvc3/​download.html|CVC3]] (successor of CVC Lite) 
 +  * [[http://​​smtlib/​|SMT-LIB]] Standard for formulas, competition 
 +==== Full Presburger arithmetic ==== 
 +Full Presburger arithmetic is also decidable. 
 +  * Quantifier-Elimination (Omega tool from Maryland) - see homework 
 +  * Automata Theoretic approaches: LASH, MONA (as a special case) 
 +===== Papers ​=====
   * Verification condition generation in Spec#: http://​​~leino/​papers/​krml157.pdf   * Verification condition generation in Spec#: http://​​~leino/​papers/​krml157.pdf
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   * Presburger Arithmetic (PA) bounds: {{papadimitriou81complexityintegerprogramming.pdf}}   * Presburger Arithmetic (PA) bounds: {{papadimitriou81complexityintegerprogramming.pdf}}
   * Specializing PA bounds: http://​​ojs/​viewarticle.php?​id=43&​layout=abstract   * Specializing PA bounds: http://​​ojs/​viewarticle.php?​id=43&​layout=abstract