Modular analysis of procedures
Inlining specifications. Last part of SAV07 Homework 4.
Postconditions that refer to values of variables in the precondition.
The meaning of modifies clauses.
ASTREE Static Analyzer
The Octagon Abstract Domain
A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software
Section 5.4: A remark on notation:
- if
denotes the state and
is a deterministic statement, then
represents the new state after executing the statement; the relation corresponding to statement semantics would be
- this function is extended to map sets of states to sets of states, which gives function mapping
and is what we called strongest postcondition
- this is abstracted to abstract domain
Domains used
- octagons (see above paper)
- ellipsoid
Widening with tresholds.
Sound approximation of real numbers with floating point calculations.
Improving precision
- trace partitioning: recover some of the path sensitivity of weakest preconditions
- decision trees
- loop unrolling
- procedures are inlined
Packing: computing relationships between groups of variables and not all variables
- for octagons
- for decision trees
- the absence of false alarms is remarkable, result of heavy tuning of the analysis to given progrma
- main loop invariant is 4.5MB
Combination of Abstractions in the ASTRÉE Static Analyzer
Note Section 4.1 on how many of the standard assumptions of the domain do not hold any more for such a complex analyzer.
Consider Example 3 of non-monotonicity in the presence of widening. The reason that the result is less precise starting from [0,0] interval for y instead of [0,9] is because widening to [0,] is applied before the fixepoint interval [0,9] is reached.
Section 5 deals with communicating information between different domains. The functions that are defined are mostly various form of approximating conjunction (intersection of sets of states). There are many such functions because arguments and results can belong to different domains.