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 +====== Barnes-Hut Simulation ======
 +In this assignment, you will implement the parallel Barnes-Hut algorithm for //N-body simulation//​.
 +N-body simulation is a simulation of a system of //N// particles that interact with physical
 +forces, such as gravity or electrostatic force.
 +Given initial positions and velocities of all the //​particles//​ (or //​bodies//​),​ the N-body simulation
 +computes the new positions and velocities of the particles as the time progresses.
 +It does so by dividing time into discrete short intervals, and computing the 
 +positions of the particles after each interval.
 +===== Handout =====
 +{{:​parcon17:​|Click here to obtain the handout}} for this assignment. Do not forget to create a branch for this assignment. Instructions on how to do so are [[parcon18:​git-setup|available here]].
 +Let us recall some basics of classical mechanics.
 +What makes a particle, such as an atom, a comet or a star, move through space?
 +First, the particle moves through space as a consequence of having some initial velocity
 +compared to other particles.
 +Second, the particle changes its velocity as a result of external forces.
 +These forces are in direct correlation with the proximity of other particles.
 +For example, Earth moves through space with some initial velocity,
 +which is constantly being changed due to the gravitational force between the Earth and the Sun.
 +Before we study the Barnes-Hut algorithm for the N-body simulation problem,
 +we will focus on a simpler algorithm -- the //direct sum N-body algorithm//​.
 +The direct sum algorithm consists of multiple iterations, each of which performs
 +the following steps for each particle:
 +== Step 1 ==
 +The particle position is updated according to its current velocity (`delta` is a short time period).
 +        x' = x + v_x * delta
 +        y' = y + v_y * delta
 +== Step 2 ==
 +The net force on the particle is computed by adding the individual forces from all the other particles.
 +        F_x = F_1x + F_2x + F_3x + ... + F_Nx
 +        F_y = F_1y + F_2y + F_3y + ... + F_Ny
 +== Step 3 ==
 +The particle velocity is updated according to the net force on that particle.
 +        v_x' = v_x + F_x / mass * delta
 +        v_y' = v_y + F_y / mass * delta
 +In this exercise, we will assume that the force between particles is the //​gravitational force//
 +from classical mechanics. Let's recall the formula for the gravitational force between two stellar bodies:
 +    F = G * (m1 * m2) / distance^2
 +Above, `F` is the absolute value of the gravitational force, `m1` and `m2` are the masses of the two bodies,
 +and `r` is the distance between them. `G` is the gravitational constant.
 +The gravitational force vector always points towards the other body.
 +The `F_x` and `F_y` components of the gravitational force on the body `m1`
 +can be computed by observing the following triangle similarity:
 +    distance = math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2)
 +    F_x / F = (x2 - x1) / distance
 +    F_y / F = (y2 - y1) / distance
 +This is shown in the following figure:
 +{{ :​parcon17:​force-components.png?​nolink |}}
 +For each particle, the net force is computed by summing the components of individual forces from all other particles,
 +as shown in the following figure:
 +{{ :​parcon17:​net-force.png?​nolink |}}
 +The direct sum N-body algorithm is very simple, but also inefficient.
 +Since we need to update `N` particles, and compute `N - 1` force contributions for each of those particles,
 +the overall complexity of an iteration step of this algorithm is `O(N^2)`.
 +As the number of particles grows larger, the direct sum N-body algorithm becomes prohibitively expensive.
 +The Barnes-Hut algorithm is an optimization of the direct sum N-body algorithm,
 +and is based on the following observation:​
 +//If a cluster of bodies is sufficiently distant from a body //A//, the net force on //A//
 +from that cluster can be approximated with one big body with the mass of all the
 +bodies in the cluster, positioned at the center of mass of the cluster.//
 +This is illustrated in the following figure:
 +{{ :​parcon17:​observation.png?​nolink |}}
 +To take advantage of this observation,​ the Barnes-Hut algorithm relies on
 +a //​quadtree//​ -- a data structure that divides the space into cells, and answers queries
 +such as 'What is the total mass and the center of mass of all the particles in this cell?'​.
 +The following figure shows an example of a quadtree for 6 bodies:
 +{{ :​parcon17:​quadtree.png?​nolink |}}
 +Above, the total force from the bodies //B//, //C//, //D// and //E// on the body //A// can be approximated
 +by a single body with //mass// equal to the sum of masses //B//, //C//, //D// and //E//,
 +positioned at the center of mass of bodies //B//, //C//, //D// and //E//.
 +The center of mass `(massX, massY)` is computed as follows:
 +    mass = m_B + m_C + m_D + m_E
 +    massX = (m_B * x_B + m_C * x_C + m_D * x_D + m_E * x_E) / mass
 +    massY = (m_B * y_B + m_C * y_C + m_D * y_D + m_E * y_E) / mass
 +An iteration of the Barnes-Hut algorithm is composed of the following steps:
 +  - Construct the quadtree for the current arrangement of the bodies.
 +    - Determine the //​boundaries//,​ i.e. the square into which all bodies fit.
 +    - Construct a quadtree that covers the boundaries and contains all the bodies.
 +  - Update the bodies -- for each body:
 +    - Update the body position according to its current velocity.
 +    - Using the quadtree, compute the net force on the body by adding the individual forces from all the other bodies.
 +  - Update the velocity according to the net force on that body.
 +It turns out that, for most spatial distribution of bodies,
 +the expected number of cells that contribute to the net force on a body is `log n`,
 +so the overall complexity of the Barnes-Hut algorithm is `O(n log n)`.
 +Now that we covered all the necessary theory, let's finally dig into the implementation!
 +You will implement:
 +  - a quadtree and its combiner data structure
 +  - an operation that computes the total force on a body using the quadtree
 +  - a simulation step of the Barnes-Hut algorithm
 +Since this assignment consists of multiple components,
 +we will follow the principles of //​test-driven development//​ and test each component separately,
 +before moving on to the next component.
 +That way, if anything goes wrong, we will more precisely know where the error is.
 +It is always better to detect errors sooner, rather than later.
 +==== Data Structures ====
 +We will start by implementing the necessary data structures: the quadtree,
 +the body data-type and the sector matrix.
 +You will find the stubs in the `package.scala` file of the `barneshut` package.
 +=== Quadtree Data Structure ===
 +In this part of the assignment, we implement the quadtree data structure,
 +denoted with the abstract data-type `Quad`.
 +Every `Quad` represents a square cell of space, and can be one of the following node types:
 +  - an `Empty` node, which represents an empty quadtree
 +  - a `Leaf` node, which represents one or more bodies
 +  - a `Fork` node, which divides a spatial cell into four quadrants
 +The definition of `Quad` is as follows:
 +    sealed abstract class Quad {
 +      def massX: Float
 +      def massY: Float
 +      def mass: Float
 +      def centerX: Float
 +      def centerY: Float
 +      def size: Float
 +      def total: Int
 +      def insert(b: Body): Quad
 +    }
 +Here, `massX` and `massY` represent the center of mass of the bodies in the respective cell,
 +`mass` is the total mass of bodies in that cell, `centerX` and `centerY` are the coordinates
 +of the center of the cell, `size` is the length of the side of the cell,
 +and `total` is the total number of bodies in the cell.
 +Note that we consider the top left corner to be at coordinate (0, 0). We also consider the x axis to grow to the right and the y axis to the bottom.
 +{{ :​parcon17:​cell.png?​nolink |}}
 +The method `insert` creates a new quadtree which additionally contains the body `b`,
 +and covers the same area in space as the original quadtree.
 +Quadtree is an //​immutable//​ data structure -- `insert` does not modify the existing `Quad` object.
 +Note that `Body` has the following signature:
 +    class Body(val mass: Float, val x: Float, val y: Float, val xspeed: Float, val yspeed: Float)
 +In this part of the exercise, you only need to know about body's position `x` and `y`.
 +Let's start by implementing the simplest `Quad` type -- the empty quadtree:
 +    case class Empty(centerX:​ Float, centerY: Float, size: Float) extends Quad
 +The center and the size of the `Empty` quadtree are specified in its constructor.
 +The `Empty` tree does not contain any bodies, so we specify that its center of mass is equal to its center.
 +Next, let's implement the `Fork` quadtree:
 +    case class Fork(nw: Quad, ne: Quad, sw: Quad, se: Quad) extends Quad
 +This node is specified by four child quadtrees `nw`, `ne`, `sw` and `se`,
 +in the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast quadrant, respectively.
 +The constructor assumes that the children nodes that represent four adjacent cells of the
 +same size and adjacent to each other, as in the earlier figure.
 +The center of the `Fork` quadtree is then specified by, say, the
 +lower right corner of the quadtree `nw`. If the `Fork` quadtree is empty, the
 +center of mass coincides with the center.
 +Inserting into a `Fork` is recursive -- it updates the respective child and creates a new `Fork`.
 +Finally, the `Leaf` quadtree represents one or more bodies:
 +    case class Leaf(centerX:​ Float, centerY: Float, size: Float, bodies: Seq[Body])
 +    extends Quad
 +If the `size` of a `Leaf` is greater than a predefined constant `minimumSize`,​
 +inserting an additonal body into that `Leaf` quadtree creates a `Fork` quadtree
 +with empty children, and adds all the bodies into that `Fork` (including the new body).
 +Otherwise, inserting creates another `Leaf` with all the existing bodies and the new one.
 +=== The Body Data-Type ===
 +Next, we can implement the `Body` data-type:
 +    class Body(val mass: Float, val x: Float, val y: Float, val xspeed: Float, val yspeed: Float) {
 +      def updated(quad:​ Quad): Body = ???
 +    }
 +Here, `xspeed` and `yspeed` represent the velocity of the body, `mass` is its mass,
 +and `x` and `y` are the coordinates of the body.
 +The most interesting method on the `Body` is `updated` -- it takes a quadtree and
 +returns the updated version of the `Body`:
 +    def updated(quad:​ Quad): Body
 +This method is already half-completed for you -- you only need to implement
 +its nested method `traverse`, which goes through the quadtree and proceeds casewise:
 +  - empty quadtree does not affect the net force
 +  - each body in a leaf quadtree adds some net force
 +  - a fork quadtree that is sufficiently far away acts as a single point of mass
 +  - a fork quadtree that is not sufficiently far away must be recursively traversed
 +When are we allowed to approximate a cluster of bodies with a single point?
 +The heuristic that is used is that the size of the cell divided by the distance
 +`dist` between the center of mass and the particle is less than some constant `theta`:
 +    quad.size / dist < theta
 +//__Hint:__ make sure you use the `distance` to compute distance between points,
 +the `theta` value for the condition, and `addForce` to add force contributions!//​
 +Before proceeding, make sure to run tests against your `Quad` and `Body` implementations.
 +=== The Sector Matrix ===
 +The last data structure that we will implement is the //sector matrix//.
 +In this data structure, we will use the auxiliary class `Boundaries`,​ which
 +contains the `minX`, `maxX`, `minY` and `maxY` fields for the boundaries of the scene:
 +    class Boundaries {
 +      var minX: Float
 +      var minY: Float
 +      var maxX: Float
 +      var maxY: Float
 +      def size = math.max(maxX - minX, maxY - minY)
 +    }
 +We will also rely on the `ConcBuffer` data structure, mentioned in the lecture:
 +    class ConcBuffer[T]
 +The `ConcBuffer` class comes with efficient `+=`, `combine` and `foreach` operations,
 +which add elements into the buffer, combine two buffers and traverse the buffer, respectively.
 +The sector matrix additionally has the `toQuad` method, which returns a quadtree that contains all
 +the elements previously added with the `+=` method.
 +Recall from the lectures that this combination of methods make the `ConcBuffer` a //​combiner//​.
 +The `SectorMatrix` is just a square matrix that covers a square region of space
 +specified by the boundaries:
 +    class SectorMatrix(val boundaries: Boundaries, val sectorPrecision:​ Int) {
 +      val sectorSize = boundaries.size / sectorPrecision
 +      val matrix = new Array[ConcBuffer[Body]](sectorPrecision * sectorPrecision)
 +      for (i <- 0 until matrix.length) matrix(i) = new ConcBuffer
 +      def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = matrix(y * sectorPrecision + x)
 +    }
 +The `sectorPrecision` argument denotes the width and height of the matrix, and
 +each entry contains a `ConcBuffer[Body]` object. Effectively,​ the `SectorMatrix` is a //​combiner//​ --
 +it partitions the square region of space into `sectorPrecision` times `sectorPrecision` buckets, called //​sectors//​.
 +{{ :​parcon17:​sectormatrix.png?​nolink |}}
 +Combiners such as the `SectorMatrix` are used in parallel programming to partition the results into
 +some intermediate form that is more amenable to parallelization.
 +Recall from the lecture that one of the ways to implement a //​combiner//​ is by using
 +a bucket data structure -- we will do exactly that in this part of the exercise!
 +We will add three methods on the `SectorMatrix` that will make it a combiner.
 +We start with the `+=` method:
 +    def +=(b: Body): SectorMatrix = {
 +      ???
 +      this
 +    }
 +This method should use the body position, `boundaries` and `sectorPrecision`
 +to determine the sector into which the body should go into,
 +and add the body into the corresponding `ConcBuffer` object.
 +Next, we implement the `combine` method, which takes another `SectorMatrix`,​
 +and creates a `SectorMatrix` which contains the elements of both input
 +`SectorMatrix` data structures:
 +    def combine(that:​ SectorMatrix):​ SectorMatrix
 +This method calls `combine` on the pair of `ConcBuffer`s in `this` and `that`
 +matrices to produce the `ConcBuffer` for the resulting matrix.
 +{{ :​parcon17:​combine.png?​nolink |}}
 +The nice thing about the sector matrix is that a quadtree can be constructed
 +in parallel for each sector. Those little quadtrees can then be linked together.
 +The `toQuad` method on the `SectorMatrix` does this:
 +    def toQuad(parallelism:​ Int): Quad
 +This method is already implemented -- you can examine
 +it if you would like to know how it works.
 +Congratulations,​ you just implemented your first combiner (or second, if you've attended the live exercise sessions)!
 +Before proceeding, make sure to run those unit tests.
 +==== Implementing Barnes-Hut ====
 +Now that we have all the right data structures ready and polished,
 +implementing Barnes-Hut becomes a piece of cake.
 +Take a look at the file `Simulator.scala`,​ which contains the implementation
 +of the Barnes-Hut simulator, and in particular the `step` method.
 +The `step` method represents one step in the simulation:
 +    def step(bodies:​ Seq[Body]): (Seq[Body], Quad) = {
 +      // 1. compute boundaries
 +      val boundaries = computeBoundaries(bodies)
 +      ​
 +      // 2. compute sector matrix
 +      val sectorMatrix = computeSectorMatrix(bodies,​ boundaries)
 +  ​
 +      // 3. compute quadtree
 +      val quad = computeQuad(sectorMatrix)
 +      ​
 +      // 4. eliminate outliers
 +      val filteredBodies = eliminateOutliers(bodies,​ sectorMatrix,​ quad)
 +  ​
 +      // 5. update body velocities and positions
 +      val newBodies = updateBodies(filteredBodies,​ quad)
 +  ​
 +      (newBodies, quad)
 +    }
 +The pre-existing code in `step` nicely summarizes what this method does.
 +=== Computing the Scene Boundaries ===
 +First, we must compute the boundaries of all the bodies in the scene.
 +Since bodies move and the boundaries dynamically change,
 +we must do this in every iteration of the algorithm.
 +The `computeBoundaries` method is already implemented -- it uses the `aggregate`
 +combinator on the sequence of bodies to compute the boundaries:
 +    def computeBoundaries(bodies:​ Seq[Body]): Boundaries = {
 +      val parBodies = bodies.par
 +      parBodies.tasksupport = taskSupport
 +      parBodies.aggregate(new Boundaries)(updateBoundaries,​ mergeBoundaries)
 +    }
 +How does this work? The `aggregate` method divides the input sequence into a
 +number of chunks. For each of the chunks, it uses the `new Boundaries` expression
 +to create the accumulation value, and then folds the values in that chunk
 +calling `updateBoundaries` on each body, in the same way a `foldLeft` operation would.
 +Finally, `aggregate` combines the results of different chunks using a reduction tree and `mergeBoundaries`.
 +So, we need the `updateBoundaries` method:
 +    def updateBoundaries(boundaries:​ Boundaries, body: Body): Boundaries
 +Given an existing `boundaries` object and a body, the `updateBoundaries` updates
 +the `minX`, `minY`, `maxX` and `maxY` values so that the boundaries include the body.
 +Next, the `mergeBoundaries` method creates a new `Boundaries` object, which represents
 +the smallest rectangle that contains both the input boundaries:
 +    def mergeBoundaries(a:​ Boundaries, b: Boundaries):​ Boundaries
 +Question: Is `mergeBoundaries` associative?​ Is it commutative?​ Does it need to be commutative?​
 +Implement these two methods, and test that they work correctly!
 +=== Building the Quadtree ===
 +Next, we need to build a `Quad` tree from the sequence of bodies.
 +We will first implement the `computeSectorMatrix` method to get the `SectorMatrix`:​
 +    def computeSectorMatrix(bodies:​ Seq[Body], boundaries: Boundaries):​ SectorMatrix
 +//__Hint:__ aggregate the `SectorMatrix` from the sequence of bodies, the same way it was used for boundaries.
 +Use the SECTOR_PRECISION constant when creating a new `SectorMatrix`.//​
 +Test that these methods work correctly before proceeding!
 +=== Eliminating Outliers ===
 +During the execution of the Barnes-Hut algorithm, some of the bodies tend to
 +move far away from most of the other bodies. There are many ways to deal with such //​outliers//,​
 +but to keep things simple, we will eliminate bodies that move too fast and too far away.
 +We will not go into details of how this works, but if you'd like to know more,
 +you can try to understand how the `eliminateOutliers` method works.
 +=== Updating Bodies ===
 +The `updateBodies` method uses the quadtree to map each body from the
 +previous iteration of the algorithm to a new iteration:
 +    def updateBodies(bodies:​ Seq[Body], quad: Quad): Seq[Body]
 +Recall that we already implemented the `updated` method which updates a single body.
 +==== Running Barnes-Hut ====
 +At last, the parallel Barnes-Hut algorithm is implemented.
 +Note that, despite all the work, we kept our Barnes-Hut algorithm implementation simple
 +and avoided the details that a more realistic implementation must address. In particular:
 +  - we represented each body as a single point in space
 +  - we restricted the simulation to two-dimensional space
 +  - we ignored close encounter effects, such as body collision or tearing
 +  - we ignored any relativistic effects, and assume classical mechanics
 +  - we ignored errors induced by floating point computations
 +You can now run it as follows:
 +    > runMain barneshut.BarnesHut
 +To visualize the quadtree, press the //Show quad// button, and then hit the //​Start/​Pause//​ button.
 +Play with the parallelism level and the number of bodies, and observe the average speedups in the lower right corner.
 +Then sit back, and enjoy the show!