Hi everyone,
Here's a quick update with a quick overview of what needs doing for next year. Viktor, please feel free to contact me if you have question or run into trouble.
The executive summary is that all permissions have been granted and now all that is left is for Hana to get the papers to the IEEE and ACM, so we're all set.
By the way, the delays are due in part to the fact that this is the first time we're retaining the copyright, so there was lots that I needed to do to make that happen, and my schedule got out of control and I've been making progress at a much slower rate than I would have liked. I also just got this information to Hana. She wasn't involved in this until now, so she's not responsible for the delay.
Per and Anna, please make sure that the following is done.
We need get in-cooperation status with ACM. I am told we haven't done this yet for the FMCAD'11 conference. We need to do so ASAP. In-cooperation guidelines and a link to the TMRF can be found here http://www.acm.org/sigs/volunteer_resources/conference_manual/1-3incop. For 2010 I got in-cooperation status from SIGPLAN and SIGSOFT.
Once you get in-cooperation status, you can have to grant permission to place an in-cooperation proceedings published by another organization in the digital library. Contact Adrienne Griscti griscti@hq.acm.org or Donna Cappo < cappo@hq.acm.org> for the full details, but here is a quick overview.
- You have to fill out various forms, eg, see the attachment PR-PulisherForm.pdf.
- Once that is approved, the proceedings can be put in the ACM Digital Library. Instructions for ftping the files can be found here http://www.acm.org/publications/dl-documentation/digital-library-ftp-instructions.
- Since FMCAD has the copyright, we have to go through an approval process with ACM whereby they check that in fact the copyright we have allows us to distribute the proceedings using the DL. I did that for 2010. For 2011, we have a new copyright form and this one gives the authors more rights, so I went to the trouble of getting that approved and it was. I'm attaching the copyright form (copyright.v2.pdf) so that the FMCAD 2011 chairs can use it when the time comes. Please make sure to use the attached form!!
- Finally, ACM publication instructions can be found here http://www.acm.org/publications/gi-proceedings. ince ACM is not the publisher only point 6 is of interest to us.
We need to get IEEE sponsorship. We did that with CEDA in 2010, but this was a long, drawn-out process, so if you haven't started on this, please do so ASAP.
Contact Sani Nassif nassif@us.ibm.com to request technical co-sponsorship for FMCAD'11 from CEDA. Read what you have to do here: http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p10-1.2.xml#10.1.2.
CEDA and FMCAD have to fill out the following memorandum of understanding (MOU):
Here are the main points we want the MOU to cover.
1. The duration of the MOU is just for FMCAD'11 2. FMCAD has full financial liability 3. FMCAD has ownership of the intellectual property 4. The proceedings are included in IEEE Xplore (so we will do as section 7 requires wrt providing IEEE the requested rights)
Once we get approval, here is what needs to be done:
The first thing you must do is to submit two completed forms: the IEEE Conference Information Schedule and the IEEE Conference Publication Form. The forms can be found online at: http://www.ieee.org/web/conferences/organizers/required_documentation.html – Conference Organizers Page
These forms will alert us of your intention to hold an IEEE sponsored or co-sponsored conference and to produce a conference publication. This will result in your conference being listed in the IEEE Conference Search tool and will initiate the acquisition process. Please note that application for acquisition does not guarantee inclusion in the program. In addition, it is requested that these forms be submitted at least 6 months prior to the conference.
Also, please note the web sites below that are important when preparing the conference proceedings:
http://www.ieee.org/web/conferences/organizers/pubs/conference_publications.html – Conference Publications (This site also has the Instructions for the Preparation of Compliant Conference Publication PDF Submissions)
http://www.ieee.org/confstandards – IEEE Conference Submission Standards
http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/toolkit/masterbrand/index.html – Master Brand and Logos
http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/rights/index.html – IEEE Intellectual Property Right
Feel free to contact us at: confpubs@ieee.org if you have any further questions.
Talk to Melissa Ceglia m.ceglia@ieee.org (but cc confpubs@ieee.org) to put the FMCAD proceedings in the IEEE DL.
They will need things like an ISBN number. I obtained 10 ISBN numbers, so contact me when ready and I'll get you an ISBN number.
You'll have to fill out permission forms for the copyright issues. See the attached *18186_Permission Statement.doc*. You'll get a letter of acquisition and that will allow you to send them what they need, which includes:
- 3 identical sets of the Xplore compliant individual paper files, front
matter, back matter and packing list on either CD, DVD or USB
- 4 copies of Print proceedings
Information regarding the creation and submittal of the Xplore compliant files is included in the Letter of Acquisition, but if you use omnipress as the publisher again, then they should have done all the IEEE Xplore compliancy checking. By the way, if our papers are IEEE Xplore compliant (and the format we asked authors in 2010 to use was compliant) then that format works for ACM too.
I think that's it.
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Warren A. Hunt Jr. hunt@cs.utexas.eduwrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> Thanks for writing – this is in progress. Pete and I
> were discussing this late last week.
> Hi Pete,
> Could you let everyone know what the timeline is?
> Also, let's put an announcement on the FMCAD Webpage.
> Cheers,
> Warren
> ++++++
> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 14:23:36 +0200
> Subject: Houston, we have a problem
> From: Barbara Jobstmann barbara.jobstmann@gmail.com
> To: “Warren A. Hunt Jr.” hunt@cs.utexas.edu,
> Hana Chockler HANAC@il.ibm.com, pete@ccs.neu.edu
> Cc: Anna Slobodova anna@centtech.com, Per Bjesse <
> Per.Bjesse@synopsys.com>,
> Roderick Bloem roderick.bloem@iaik.tugraz.at,
> Sharygina Natasha natasha.sharygina@unisi.ch,
> Viktor Kuncak vkuncak@gmail.com
> Dear all,
> FMCAD'10 still doesn't appear in ACM nor IEEE digital library. One of
> my coauthors just sent me the note below saying that he is hesitating
> to submit to FMCAD'11 because “FMCAD 2010 had only proceeding on its
> website, and cannot be referenced in ACM or IEEE digital library or
> DBLP”.
> Maybe he can put a clarifying note on the webpage of FMCAD 2010 and
> FMCAD2011 saying that we have an agreement with ACM and IEEE and that
> we are sorry for the delay?
> Best regards,
> Barbara
> —————
> > 4. Dr. Chen told me that strangely for FMCAD'10, it
> > 4. only has a proceeding on its website, and can not
> > 4. be referenced in ACM or IEEE digital library or
> > 4. DBLP. > As you are within the program committees
> > 4. of FMCAD'11, what will be the situation this
> > 4. year? Alternatively we can also go for ATVA'11,
> > 4. as it is in Taiwan this > year, and it's colated
> > 4. with ESWEEK
– Pete Manolios Northeastern University http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/pete