IEEE Requirements
For the final version you will need to follow the steps below. More information will be available down the line, so please be prepared to revise the submission after the deadline, once the details of the IEEE publication become available. We apologize for the inconvenience. For the original deadline, please just try to do your best and embed the fonts.
(1) All files must be prepared using the IEEE conference proceedings 8.5“ x 11” two-column format (which should be the one you used for your submission anyways). Please consult
for document templates and paper formatting instructions. Please sure to select the two-column template. Please do not number your pages since the publisher will do this in book sequence, and do not add any footers or headers on the papers.
(2) All manuscripts must be evaluated on PDF eXpress for compliance to IEEE Xplore. Instructions for using PDF eXpress are attached below.
(3) Submit your compliant manuscript through Easychair.
PDF eXpress Online File Conversion/PDF Validation Tool
1) If you would like to create your own PDF file, please change the setting on your PDF distiller to insure your paper meets IEEE PDF specifications. Basic PDF distiller settings MUST be changed to:
- Optimized, - Acrobat 5.0 compatibility, - ALL graphics at least 300 dpi resolution (higher if preferred), - ALL fonts MUST be embedded and subset, - Postscript settings DO NOT override distiller settings, - Page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5“ x 11”).
IMPORTANT: Authors must check their final PDF files before submission to verify that all fonts have been properly embedded and subset. Some font manufacturers now flag their fonts to not embed. These fonts must be avoided.
2) If you would like to submit your source file to PDF eXpress for conversion and validation, PDF eXpress converts the following file types to PDF:
- Postscript - Microsoft Word - Freelance - PageMaker - FrameMaker - Word Pro - WordPerfect - QuarkXpress* - Rich Text Format - (La)TeX (DVI and all support files required)*
* For documents created in formats that do not embed source files, include all support files with the final manuscript in a compressed archive for submission. If it is possible to embed images in the source document, you should do so to avoid potential issues, such as missing graphics.
3) Convert/validate your files.
Go to PDF eXpress:
- Click button: “First time logging in PDF eXpress click here” - Enter your email address - Choose a password - Continue to enter information as prompted (You will receive an email confirming the successful creation of your account). - Upload either your source file or PDF file for Conversion; and/or PDF Checking. - Use PDF eXpress to obtain an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints. Through your PDF eXpress account, you may submit your source application files for conversion to PDF, and/or submit PDFs for checking.
You will have the opportunity to revise your submission if you are not satisfied with the PDF that PDF eXpress creates for you, or if the system finds problems with your paper, or if your PDF fails the PDF Check.
Technical support via email and telephone is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF. If there is a problem with your file, you will receive an e-mail detailing the problem(s). Otherwise the system will e-mail you a copy of your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your editor or the IEEE PDF help desk at If you have technical questions regarding PDF eXpress Web site, please contact the PDF eXpress support staff at