Progress in Decision Procedures: from Formalizations to Applications
What we will need from participants:
- name, web page, short biography (up to 300 words), photo
- if presenting: title and abstract (up to 500 words) of the talk
- arrival and departure times
- the number of hotel nights we should reserve
- meals that they will attend
- whether they agree for us to arrange for hotel and meals
- account IBAN for reimbursements
- for flights we need e-ticket (no need for boarding passes) clearly showing:
- flight dates
- passenger name
- total price
Place: Belgrade
Time (tentative):
- March 30, 2013, from 10h to 18h
Optionally, if needed:
- March 29, 2013, from 16h
- March 31, 2013, till 14h
Talks 15+5 mins, 5 slots for LARA, 5 for ARGO, 8-10 for others, 30 min for panel discussion
Some posters (LARA, ARGO?).
Room: 718 or a new room at 1st floor
Video record some talks (use Viktor's camera or Argo's camera, if it gets available)
Funding: EPFL (SCOPES) transfers (say) 2000 CHF for meals for all participants EPFL (SCOPES) covers expences (travel and hotel) for invited participants ARGO can cover some small expences and fill potential gaps between what is transferred and what is spent. Snacks and drinks for coffee breaks can be provided by the host (Faculty of Mathematics or ARGO group)
Participants (tentative list):
LARA (EPFL, Switzerland):
Tihomir Gvero Etienne Kneuss Regis Blanc Filip Konecny Ivan Kuraj Viktor Kuncak
ARGO (Univ Belgrade, Serbia):
Filip Maric Mladen Nikolic Milena Vujosevic-Janicic Sana Stojanovic Vesna Marinkovic Milan Bankovic Mirko Stojadinovic Danijela Petrovic Ivan Petrovic Predrag Janicic
TU Munich Grupa Tobiasa Nipkowa
?? ??
UPC, Barcelona
Enric Rodríguez Carbonell, Spain
TU Linz, Austria
Kovács Zoltán
Uppsala University, Sweden:
Aleksandar Zeljic,
Univ Coimbra, Portugal: Pedro Quaresma
Microsoft Beograd:
Aljosa Obuljen
ETF Beograd
Tatjana Lutovac, ETF, Belgrade,
Univ Novi Sad
?? (invited, some group members might come) Silvia Ghilezan,
Viktor invites:
- (done) grupa Mirjane Ivanovic, Univ Novi Sad
- (done) Srdjana Skrbic, Univ Novi Sad
Pedja invites:
- (invited) Marko Malikovic, University of Rijeka, Croatia ?
- Walther Heuper?
- Grupa iz Zrenjanina?
- (skip for now) Dragan Milicev, ETF, Belgrade,
- Zoran Petric, Matematicki institut,
- Predrag Tanovic, Matematicki institut
- Dragan Devedzic, FON, Belgrade,
- Boris Delibasic, FON, Belgrade (data-mining)
- (invited - can't come) Grupa iz Strazbura
- (invited - can't come) Mirko Cubrilo, University of Zagreb, Varazdin, Croatia ?
- (invited - can't come) Alessandro Armando, Univ Trento
- (invited - can't come) Markus Hohenwarter, GeoGebra, Linz
- (invited - can't come) Cesare Tinelli, Univ Iowa
- (invited can't come) Philipp Ruemmer
- (invited; can't come, will be in China) Oliver Kullmann, Swansea University, UK
- (invited, can't come) Hugo Herbelin, INRIA- PPS, Paris, France