Termination and Efficiency of Data-Flow Analysis
Definition: A chain of length is a sequence
such that
where means, as usual,
Definition: A lattice has a finite height if it has a chain of length
and every chain is of length at most
A finite lattice is of finite height
Example: The constant propagation lattice is an infinite lattice of height 2. One example chain of length 2 is
Example: If a state of a (one-variable) program is given by an integer, then a concrete lattice element is a set of integers. This lattice has infinite height. There is a chain
for every .
Consider a finite-height lattice
Values at each program point in DataflowAnalysis.scala is monotonically increasing
- stabilization happens in finite number of steps when the lattice has finite height
- at each step the size of lattice in at least one point increases
- termination in |CFG.V| |L.Elem| steps
- in many cases can be shown to be better
Worklist Algorithm
The simple algorithm in DataflowAnalysis.scala always goes through all vertices
There is no need to go through vertices whose predecessors have not changed
Worklist algorithm:
- maintain a worklist (queue) of vertices whose fact needs to be updated
- initially: put entry into queue
- remove a vertex from queue, compute its new fact
- if the value changed, add all its successors into queue
Can avoid some unnecessary traversals
Note: we can re-order vertices in the queue
- different orderings correspond to different algorithm variations
- useful strategy: iterate over inner loops first