import SimpleCFG._, SimpleAST._ final class ASTtoCFG(cfg : Cfg) { private type Vertex = cfg.Vertex private val TrueConst = 1 private val FalseConst = 0 object FreshName { var counter : Int = 0 def get : String = { counter = counter + 1 "x" + counter } } object Emit { private var pc : Vertex = cfg.entry def getPC : Vertex = { pc } def setPC(v : Vertex) = { pc = v } def statementBetween(v1 : Vertex, s : CfgStmt, v2 : Vertex) = { cfg += (v1, s, v2) } def statement(s : CfgStmt) = { val v = cfg.newVertex cfg += (pc, s, v) setPC(v) } def statementCont(s : CfgStmt, cont : Vertex) = { cfg += (pc, s, cont) } def goto(cont : Vertex) = { cfg += (pc, Skip, cont) } } def condExpr(e : Expression, falseCont : Vertex, trueCont : Vertex) : Unit = e match { case Leq(e1,e2) => { val x1 = expr(e1) val x2 = expr(e2) Emit.statementCont(Assume(x1, LeqOp, x2), trueCont) Emit.statementCont(Assume(x2, LTOp, x1), falseCont) } case And(e1,e2) => { // must do short-circuit val soFarTrueV = cfg.newVertex condExpr(e1, falseCont, soFarTrueV) Emit.setPC(soFarTrueV) condExpr(e2, falseCont, trueCont) } case Var(n) => { // false iff zero val current = Emit.getPC Emit.statementBetween(current, Assume(VarValue(n),EqOp,Const(0)), falseCont) Emit.statementBetween(current, Assume(VarValue(n),NeqOp,Const(0)), trueCont) } case _ => error("Not a boolean") } def exprStoreBool(lhs : Variable, e : Expression) = { val trueV = cfg.newVertex val falseV = cfg.newVertex condExpr(e, falseV, trueV) val afterV = cfg.newVertex Emit.statementBetween(falseV, Copy(lhs,Const(FalseConst)), afterV) Emit.statementBetween(trueV, Copy(lhs,Const(TrueConst)), afterV) Emit.setPC(afterV) } def exprStore(lhs : Variable, e : Expression) = e match { case Var(id) => Emit.statement(Copy(lhs, VarValue(id))) case IntConst(c) => Emit.statement(Copy(lhs, Const(c))) case Plus(e1,e2) => { val x1 = expr(e1) val x2 = expr(e2) Emit.statement(AssignBin(lhs, x1, PlusOp, x2)) } case And(e1,e2) => exprStoreBool(lhs,e) case Leq(e1,e2) => exprStoreBool(lhs,e) } def alreadySimple(e : Expression) : Option[SimpleValue] = e match { case Var(id) => Some(VarValue(id)) case IntConst(c) => Some(Const(c)) case _ => None } def expr(e : Expression) : SimpleValue = alreadySimple(e) match { case Some(v) => v case None => { val x = FreshName.get exprStore(x, e) VarValue(x) } } def stmts(sts : List[Statement], cont : Vertex) : Unit = sts match { case Nil => Emit.goto(cont) case s::Nil => stmt(s, cont) case s::sts1 => { val v = cfg.newVertex stmt(s, v) Emit.setPC(v) stmts(sts1, cont) } } // cont = where to continue after the statement def stmt(s : Statement, cont : Vertex) : Unit = { s match { case AssignStat(lhs,rhs) => { exprStore(lhs, rhs) Emit.goto(cont) } case PrintStat(e) => { val v = expr(e) Emit.statementCont(Print(v), cont) } case IfStat(cond,trueS,falseS) => { val falseV = cfg.newVertex val trueV = cfg.newVertex condExpr(cond, falseV, trueV) Emit.setPC(falseV) stmt(falseS, cont) Emit.setPC(trueV) stmt(trueS, cont) } case WhileStat(cond,body) => { val beginning = Emit.getPC val trueV = cfg.newVertex condExpr(cond, cont, trueV) Emit.setPC(trueV) stmt(body, beginning) } case BlockStat(sts) => stmts(sts, cont) } } def fewerSkips = { for (v <- cfg.V) { if ((v != cfg.entry) && (v != cfg.exit) && (v.out.size==1)) { for (eOut <- v.out) { if (eOut.lab==Skip) { for (eIn <- { // remove old edge cfg -= (eIn.v1, eIn.lab, eIn.v2) cfg -= (eOut.v1, eOut.lab, eOut.v2) // insert new edge with label of incoming one cfg += (eIn.v1, eIn.lab, eOut.v2) } } } } } } /* Similar to: * any other code generation * translation of a regular expression to a finite-state machine Place of current code in graph is given by two nodes: * pc - where the code comes from * continuation - where the code should go afterwards * sometimes not known in procedure */ def translate(s : Statement) = { stmt(s, cfg.exit) fewerSkips } } object TestTranslations { def test(s : Statement) : Unit = { val cfg = new Cfg new ASTtoCFG(cfg).translate(s) println(cfg); cfg.dottyView } } object TestTrans1 { def main(args : Array[String]) = { val stat1 = BlockStat(List( AssignStat("x", IntConst(3)), AssignStat("y", Plus(Var("x"),Var("x"))), IfStat(Leq(Var("y"),Plus(Var("x"),IntConst(1))), AssignStat("z", Plus(Plus(Var("x"),Var("y")), IntConst(42))), AssignStat("z", Var("y"))) )) TestTranslations.test(stat1) } } object TestTrans2 { def main(args : Array[String]) = { val body = BlockStat(List(AssignStat("j", Plus(Var("i"), IntConst(42))), AssignStat("i", Plus(Var("j"), IntConst(-40))))) val stat2 = BlockStat(List( AssignStat("i", IntConst(0)), WhileStat(Leq(Var("i"), IntConst(10)), body), AssignStat("res", Var("j")))) TestTranslations.test(stat2) } } object TestTrans3 { def main(args : Array[String]) = { val body = BlockStat(List(AssignStat("j", Plus(Var("i"), IntConst(42))), AssignStat("i", Plus(Var("j"), IntConst(-40))))) val stat2 = BlockStat(List( AssignStat("i", IntConst(0)), WhileStat(Leq(Var("i"), IntConst(10)), body), AssignStat("res", Var("j")))) val stat3 = BlockStat(List( AssignStat("k", IntConst(0)), WhileStat(Leq(Var("k"), IntConst(5)), BlockStat(List(stat2, AssignStat("k", Plus(Var("k"), IntConst(1)))))))) TestTranslations.test(stat3) } }