Operational Semantics of Lambda Calculus with Letrec
We describe evaluation rules for our lambda calculus with letrec
We need such description to make rigorous proofs about compilers, including type systems
This is a mathematical description of an interpreter for this language
It is also analogous to relations that transform configurations in
- finite state machines
- push-down machines
Configuration in this case is simply an expression of lambda calculus with letrec
- for programming languages with state, configuration would also need to include (global and local) state, and stack
We define one-step relation on configurations, here denoted
We write to denote
- meaning: one step of evaluating
leads to
Evaluation Rules for Operational Semantics
Evaluate Primitive Operation
Depends on the set of primitive operators in the language
Beta Reduce
Letrec Base
if does not contain any of the variables
Letrec Unfold
Context Rule
Here denotes expression containing one occurrence of
results from
by replacing this ocurrence of
Note: sometimes we pick a particular evaluation strategy
- eager: evaluate arguments of function application before unfolding function
- outermost: pick outermost expressions to evaluate
Example of (outermost) evaluation:
letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (twice 1) -unfold-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in ((% x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1))))) 1) -beta-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (ite (<= 1 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- 1 1)))) -primitive(<=)--> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (ite false 0 (+ 2 (twice (- 1 1)))) -primitive(ite)--> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 (twice (- 1 1))) -primitive(-)--> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 (twice 0)) -unfold--> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 ((% x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1))))) 0)) -beta-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 (ite (<= 0 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- 0 1))))) -primitive(<=)-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 (ite true 0 (+ 2 (twice (- 0 1))))) -primitive(ite)-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in (+ 2 0) -primitive(+)-> letrec (twice:int->int) = % x.(ite (<= x 0) 0 (+ 2 (twice (- x 1)))) in 2 -base-> 2