Notion of Syntax Trees
We have seen how to build a parser
- complains if the input is wrong
- does absolutely nothing if input is correct :)
Next step: have parser create representation of the program
- this representation is abstract syntax tree
Concrete syntax tree
- has a leaf for each terminal
- has an internal node for each terminal
- usually not built explicitly
Abstract Syntax Tree
- similar to concrete syntax tree
- removes unnecessary tokens (parentheses, keywords)
- keeps enough information to compile or interpret program
Example: trees for x + y * z
Example definitions: tree.scala, syntax tree for while language (for which you built an interpreter)
Specifying trees:
- sometimes we use rules as in context-free grammar to specify above
- but the goal is then to describe trees, not sequence of strings
- keywords are not that important
- if it was interpreted as a grammars for strings, it would be ambiguous
The description
E ::= E + E | E * E | ID
is not good as a grammar for LL(1) parsing, but is good as description of abstract syntax such as this:
sealed abstract class Tree case class Plus(left : Tree, right : Tree) extends Tree case class Times(left : Tree, right : Tree) extends Tree case class Ident(id : String) extends Tree