package minijava.controlflow /** Mutable Directed Graph with Labels */ abstract trait LabeledDirectedGraph[LabelType] { /** The type of the vertices */ type Vertex /** The type of the edges */ type Edge /** The vertices */ def V: Set[Vertex] /** The edges */ def E: Set[Edge] /** Adds a new vertex to the graph */ def newVertex: Vertex /** Adds a new labeled edge between two vertices */ def += (from: Vertex, lab: LabelType, to: Vertex) /** Returns the set of incoming edges for a given vertex */ def inEdges(v: Vertex): Set[Edge] /** Returne the set of outgoing edges for a given vertex */ def outEdges(v: Vertex): Set[Edge] /** Removes an edge from the graph */ def -= (from: Vertex, lab: LabelType, to: Vertex) /** Generates a new, isomorphic labeled directed graphs where the new labels * are obtained by mapping the function to the existing ones */ def labelMap[NewLabel](f: LabelType => NewLabel): LabeledDirectedGraph[NewLabel] } /** A concrete yet type-paremetric implementation */ class LabeledDirectedGraphImp[LabelType] extends LabeledDirectedGraph[LabelType] { /** Inner class to define vertices. Later exposed through the type member Vertex. */ case class VertexImp[L](var name: String) { var in: Set[EdgeImp[L]] = Set[EdgeImp[L]]() var out: Set[EdgeImp[L]] = Set[EdgeImp[L]]() override def toString = name } /** Inner class to define edges. Later exposed through the type member Vertex. */ case class EdgeImp[L](v1: VertexImp[L], lab: L, v2: VertexImp[L]) { val name = EdgeCounter.getNew override def toString = name + ":" + v1 + "-" + lab + "-" + v2 } object EdgeCounter { var count = 0 def getNew: String = { count = count + 1 ("e" + count) } } type Vertex = VertexImp[LabelType] type Edge = EdgeImp[LabelType] private var vertices = Set[Vertex]() private var edges = Set[Edge]() def V = vertices def E = edges var counter = 0 def newVertex = { counter = counter + 1 new Vertex("v" + counter) } def +=(from: Vertex, lab : LabelType, to: Vertex) = { val edge = EdgeImp[LabelType](from, lab, to) edges += edge vertices += from vertices += to from.out += edge += edge } def -=(from: Vertex, lab: LabelType, to: Vertex) = { val edge = EdgeImp[LabelType](from, lab, to) edges -= edge vertices -= from vertices -= to from.out -= edge -= edge } def inEdges(v: Vertex) = def outEdges(v: Vertex) = v.out def labelMap[NewLabel](f: LabelType => NewLabel): LabeledDirectedGraphImp[NewLabel] = { val g = new LabeledDirectedGraphImp[NewLabel] var vertexMap = Map[Vertex, g.Vertex]() for (v <- vertices) { vertexMap += ((v, g.newVertex)) } for (e <- edges) { g += (vertexMap(e.v1), f(e.lab), vertexMap(e.v2)) } g } /** For visualization purposes. */ override def toString: String ="{ ", ", ", " }") /** The following method prints out a string readable using GraphViz. */ def toDotString: String = { var res: StringBuffer = new StringBuffer() def emit(s: String) = res.append(s) def arrow(x: String, y: String) = { emit(" "); emit(x); emit(" -> "); emit(y); emit(";\n") } def makeBoxed(id : String, name : String) = { emit(id); emit("[shape=box,color=lightblue,style=filled,label=\""); emit(name); emit("\"];\n") } emit("digraph D {\n") edges.foreach(edge => { arrow(, arrow(, makeBoxed(, edge.lab.toString) }) emit("}\n") res.toString } /** Writes the graph to a file readable with GraphViz. */ def writeDottyToFile(fname: String): Unit = { import{BufferedWriter, FileWriter} val out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fname)) out.write(toDotString) out.close } /** If you have installed the GraphViz utilities, you can also try * directly viewing the generated file using one of the two following * methods. */ def dotGvView: Unit = { writeDottyToFile(dotFileName) exec("dot " + dotFileName + " -Tps -o" + psFileName) exec("gv " + psFileName) } def dottyView: Unit = { writeDottyToFile(dotFileName) exec("dotty " + dotFileName) } private val dotFileName = "" private val psFileName = "" private def exec(command: String): Unit = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(command) }