package minijava
/** This trait applies to every object to which a corresponding position
 * in the input source file can be associated. This information is useful
 * in error messages, for instance. */
trait Positional {
  self =>
  var row: Int = -1
  var col: Int = -1
  def setPos(row: Int, col: Int): Unit = {
    this.row = row
    this.col = col
  /** Copies the position from another Positional object. Returns the
   * object on which the setPos method was called. */
  def setPos(pos: Positional): self.type = {
    this.row = pos.row
    this.col = pos.col
  def setNextRow: Unit = { row = row + 1; col = 0 }
  def setNextColumn: Unit = { col = col + 1 }
/** This class is useful to maintain positional information without
 * associating it a concrete object. */
class Position(r: Int, c: Int) extends Positional {
  row = r
  col = c
  override def toString: String = "Position(" + row + "," + col + ")"
/** Factory object for the above class. */
object Position {
  def apply(r: Int, c: Int): Position = new Position(r,c)
  def unapply(pos: Position): (Int,Int) = (pos.row, pos.col)