/* Joust: a Java lexer, parser, and pretty-printer written in OCaml Copyright (C) 2001 Eric C. Cooper <ecc@cmu.edu> Released under the GNU General Public License */ /* LALR(1) (ocamlyacc) grammar for Java Attempts to conform to: The Java Language Specification Second Edition James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha */ /* adapted for use with Jahob by Viktor Kuncak, 2005-2008 */ %{ (** Joust parser, generated with ocamlyacc. *) open List open Syntax %} %token <Syntax.ident> IDENTIFIER %token <string> LITERAL %token <string> PRIMITIVE_TYPE /* * 3.11 Separators */ %token LP /* ( */ %token RP /* ) */ %token LC /* { */ %token RC /* } */ %token LB /* [ */ %token RB /* ] */ %token SM /* ; */ %token CM /* , */ %token DOT /* . */ /* * 3.12 Operators */ %token EQ /* = */ %token GT /* > */ %token LT /* < */ %token NOT /* ! */ %token COMPL /* ~ */ %token COND /* ? */ %token COLON /* : */ %token EQ_EQ /* == */ %token LE /* <= */ %token GE /* >= */ %token NOT_EQ /* != */ %token AND_AND /* && */ %token OR_OR /* || */ %token INCR /* ++ */ %token DECR /* -- */ %token PLUS /* + */ %token MINUS /* - */ %token TIMES /* * */ %token DIV /* / */ %token AND /* & */ %token OR /* | */ %token XOR /* ^ */ %token MOD /* % */ %token LS /* << */ %token SRS /* >> */ %token URS /* >>> */ %token <string> OPERATOR_EQ /* += -= *= /= &= |= ^= %= <<= >>= >>>= */ %token <string> ANNOTATION /* vk: annotations for specification */ /* * 3.9 Keywords */ %token ABSTRACT BOOLEAN BREAK BYTE CASE CATCH CHAR CLASS CONST CONTINUE %token DEFAULT DO DOUBLE ELSE EXTENDS FINAL FINALLY FLOAT FOR GOTO %token IF IMPLEMENTS IMPORT INSTANCEOF INT INTERFACE LONG %token NATIVE NEW PACKAGE PRIVATE PROTECTED PUBLIC RETURN %token SHORT STATIC STRICTFP SUPER SWITCH SYNCHRONIZED %token THIS THROW THROWS TRANSIENT TRY VOID VOLATILE WHILE %token EOF /* * The start production must begin with a lowercase letter, * because ocamlyacc defines the parsing function with that name. */ %start goal %type <Syntax.compilation_unit> goal %% goal: CompilationUnit EOF { add_comments $1 } ; /* 3.8 */ Identifier: IDENTIFIER { $1 } ; /* 3.10 */ Literal: LITERAL { $1 } ; /* 4.1 */ Type: PrimitiveType { $1 } | ReferenceType { $1 } ; /* 4.2 */ PrimitiveType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE { named_type $1 } ; /* 4.3 */ ReferenceType: ClassOrInterfaceType { TypeName $1 } | ArrayType { $1 } ; ClassOrInterfaceType: Name { rev $1 } ; ClassType: Name { rev $1 } ; InterfaceType: Name { rev $1 } ; ArrayType: PrimitiveType LB RB { ArrayType $1 } | Name LB RB { ArrayType (TypeName (rev $1)) } | ArrayType LB RB { ArrayType $1 } ; /* 6.5 */ Name: Identifier { [$1] } | Name DOT Identifier { $3 :: $1 } ; /* 7.3 */ CompilationUnit: PackageDeclarationOpt ImportDeclarationsOpt TypeDeclarationsOpt { compilation_unit $1 $2 $3 } ; ImportDeclarations: ImportDeclaration { [$1] } | ImportDeclarations ImportDeclaration { $2 :: $1 } ; ImportDeclarationsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ImportDeclarations { rev $1 } ; TypeDeclarations: TypeDeclaration { $1 } | TypeDeclarations TypeDeclaration { $1 @ $2 } ; TypeDeclarationsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | TypeDeclarations { $1 } ; /* 7.4.1 */ PackageDeclaration: PACKAGE Name SM { rev $2 } ; PackageDeclarationOpt: /* empty */ { None } | PackageDeclaration { Some $1 } ; /* 7.5 */ ImportDeclaration: SingleTypeImportDeclaration { $1 } | TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration { $1 } ; /* 7.5.1 */ SingleTypeImportDeclaration: IMPORT Name SM { rev $2 } ; /* 7.5.2 */ TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration: IMPORT Name DOT TIMES SM { rev (star_ident :: $2) } ; /* 7.6 */ TypeDeclaration: ClassDeclaration { [Class $1] } | InterfaceDeclaration { [Interface $1] } | SM { [] } ; /* 8.1 */ ClassDeclaration: ModifiersOpt CLASS Identifier SuperOpt InterfacesOpt ClassBody { class_decl $1 $3 $4 $5 $6 } ; /* 8.1.1 */ /* 8.3.1 */ /* 8.4.3 */ /* 8.8.3 */ /* 9.1.1 */ /* 9.3 */ /* 9.4 */ /* * To avoid shift/reduce conflicts, we accept all modifiers * in front of all declarations. The ones not applicable to * a particular kind of declaration must be detected in semantic actions. */ Modifiers: Modifier { $1 } | Modifiers Modifier { $2 @ $1 } ; ModifiersOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | Modifiers { rev $1 } ; Modifier: PUBLIC AnnotationModOpt { $2 @ [Public]} | PROTECTED { [Protected] } | PRIVATE AnnotationModOpt { $2 @ [Private] } | ABSTRACT { [Abstract] } | STATIC { [Static] } | FINAL { [Final] } | STRICTFP { [StrictFP] } | TRANSIENT { [Transient] } | VOLATILE { [Volatile] } | SYNCHRONIZED { [Synchronized] } | NATIVE { [Native] } ; AnnotationModOpt: | /* empty */ { [] } | ANNOTATION { [AnnotationModifier $1] } ; /* 8.1.3 */ Super: EXTENDS ClassType { $2 } ; SuperOpt: /* empty */ { None } | Super { Some $1 } ; /* 8.1.4 */ Interfaces: IMPLEMENTS InterfaceTypeList { rev $2 } ; InterfacesOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | Interfaces { $1 } ; InterfaceTypeList: InterfaceType { [$1] } | InterfaceTypeList CM InterfaceType { $3 :: $1 } ; /* 8.1.5 */ ClassBody: LC ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt RC { $2 } ; ClassBodyDeclarations: ClassBodyDeclaration { $1 } | ClassBodyDeclarations ClassBodyDeclaration { $1 @ $2 } ; ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ClassBodyDeclarations { $1 } ; ClassBodyDeclaration: ClassMemberDeclaration { $1 } | InstanceInitializer { [$1] } | StaticInitializer { [$1] } | ConstructorDeclaration { [$1] } ; AnnotationDecl: ANNOTATION { AnnotationDecl $1 }; ClassMemberDeclaration: FieldDeclaration { $1 } | MethodDeclaration { [Method $1] } | ClassDeclaration { [Class $1] } | InterfaceDeclaration { [Interface $1] } | AnnotationDecl { [$1] } | SM { [] } ; /* 8.3 */ FieldDeclaration: ModifiersOpt Type VariableDeclarators SM { field_decls $1 $2 (rev $3) } ; VariableDeclarators: VariableDeclarator { [$1] } | VariableDeclarators CM VariableDeclarator { $3 :: $1 } ; VariableDeclarator: VariableDeclaratorId { $1, None } | VariableDeclaratorId EQ VariableInitializer { $1, Some $3 } ; VariableDeclaratorId: Identifier { IdentDecl $1 } | VariableDeclaratorId LB RB { ArrayDecl $1 } ; VariableInitializer: Expression { ExprInit $1 } | ArrayInitializer { $1 } ; /* 8.4 */ MethodDeclaration: MethodHeader MethodBody { method_decl $1 $2 } ; MethodHeader: ModifiersOpt Type MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt AnnotationOpt { method_header $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 } | ModifiersOpt VOID MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt AnnotationOpt { method_header $1 void_type $3 $4 $5 } ; MethodDeclarator: Identifier LP FormalParameterListOpt RP { IdentDecl $1, $3 } | MethodDeclarator LB RB { ArrayDecl (fst $1), snd $1 } ; /* 8.4.1 */ FormalParameterList: FormalParameter { [$1] } | FormalParameterList CM FormalParameter { $3 :: $1 } ; FormalParameterListOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | FormalParameterList { rev $1 } ; FormalParameter: FinalOpt AnnotationModOpt Type VariableDeclaratorId { formal_decl ($1 @ $2) $3 $4 } ; FinalOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | FINAL { [Final] } ; /* 8.4.4 */ Throws: THROWS ClassTypeList { rev $2 } ; ThrowsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | Throws { $1 } ; ClassTypeList: ClassType { [$1] } | ClassTypeList CM ClassType { $3 :: $1 } ; /* 8.4.5 */ MethodBody: Block { $1 } | SM { Empty } ; /* 8.6 */ InstanceInitializer: Block { InstanceInit $1 } ; /* 8.7 */ StaticInitializer: STATIC Block { StaticInit $2 } ; /* 8.8 */ ConstructorDeclaration: ModifiersOpt ConstructorDeclarator ThrowsOpt AnnotationOpt ConstructorBody { constructor $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 } ; ConstructorDeclarator: Identifier LP FormalParameterListOpt RP { $1, $3 } ; /* 8.8.5 */ ConstructorBody: LC BlockStatementsOpt RC { Block $2 } | LC ExplicitConstructorInvocation BlockStatementsOpt RC { Block ($2 :: $3) } ; /* */ ExplicitConstructorInvocation: THIS LP ArgumentListOpt RP SM { constructor_invocation [this_ident] $3 } | SUPER LP ArgumentListOpt RP SM { constructor_invocation [super_ident] $3 } | Primary DOT SUPER LP ArgumentListOpt RP SM { expr_super_invocation $1 $5 } /* * Not in 2nd edition Java Language Specification. */ | Name DOT SUPER LP ArgumentListOpt RP SM { constructor_invocation (rev (super_ident :: $1)) $5 } ; /* 9.1 */ InterfaceDeclaration: ModifiersOpt INTERFACE Identifier ExtendsInterfacesOpt InterfaceBody { interface_decl $1 $3 $4 $5 } ; /* 9.1.2 */ ExtendsInterfaces: EXTENDS InterfaceType { [$2] } | ExtendsInterfaces CM InterfaceType { $3 :: $1 } ; ExtendsInterfacesOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ExtendsInterfaces { rev $1 } ; /* 9.1.3 */ InterfaceBody: LC InterfaceAnnotations InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt RC { $2 @ $3 } ; InterfaceAnnotations: /* empty */ { [] } | ANNOTATION InterfaceAnnotations { AnnotationDecl $1 :: $2 } ; InterfaceMemberDeclarations: InterfaceMemberDeclaration { $1 } | InterfaceMemberDeclarations InterfaceMemberDeclaration { $1 @ $2 } ; InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | InterfaceMemberDeclarations { $1 } ; InterfaceMemberDeclaration: ConstantDeclaration { $1 } | AbstractMethodDeclaration { [Method $1] } | ClassDeclaration { [Class $1] } | InterfaceDeclaration { [Interface $1] } | SM { [] } ; /* 9.3 */ /* * Note: semicolon is missing in 2nd edition Java Language Specification. */ ConstantDeclaration: ModifiersOpt Type VariableDeclarators SM { field_decls $1 $2 (rev $3) } ; /* 9.4 */ AnnotationOpt: | /* empty */ { None } | ANNOTATION { Some $1 } AbstractMethodDeclaration: ModifiersOpt Type MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt AnnotationOpt SM { method_header $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 } | ModifiersOpt VOID MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt AnnotationOpt SM { method_header $1 void_type $3 $4 $5 } ; /* 10.6 */ ArrayInitializer: LC CommaOpt RC { ArrayInit [] } | LC VariableInitializers CommaOpt RC { ArrayInit (rev $2) } ; VariableInitializers: VariableInitializer { [$1] } | VariableInitializers CM VariableInitializer { $3 :: $1 } ; CommaOpt: /* empty */ { () } | CM { () } ; /* 14.2 */ Block: LC BlockStatementsOpt RC { Block $2 } ; BlockStatements: BlockStatement { $1 } | BlockStatements BlockStatement { $1 @ $2 } ; BlockStatementsOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | BlockStatements { $1 } ; BlockStatement: LocalVariableDeclarationStatement { $1 } | ClassDeclaration { [LocalClass $1] } | Statement { [$1] } ; /* 14.4 */ LocalVariableDeclarationStatement: LocalVariableDeclaration SM { $1 } ; LocalVariableDeclaration: Type VariableDeclarators { var_decls [] $1 (rev $2) } | FINAL Type VariableDeclarators { var_decls [Final] $2 (rev $3) } ; /* 14.5 */ Statement: StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement { $1 } | LabeledStatement { $1 } | IfThenStatement { $1 } | IfThenElseStatement { $1 } | WhileStatement { $1 } | ForStatement { $1 } | AnnotationStatement { $1 } ; StatementNoShortIf: StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement { $1 } | LabeledStatementNoShortIf { $1 } | IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf { $1 } | WhileStatementNoShortIf { $1 } | ForStatementNoShortIf { $1 } ; StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement: Block { $1 } | EmptyStatement { $1 } | ExpressionStatement { $1 } | SwitchStatement { $1 } | DoStatement { $1 } | BreakStatement { $1 } | ContinueStatement { $1 } | ReturnStatement { $1 } | SynchronizedStatement { $1 } | ThrowStatement { $1 } | TryStatement { $1 } ; /* 14.6 */ EmptyStatement: SM { Empty } ; /* 14.7 */ LabeledStatement: Identifier COLON Statement { Label ($1, $3) } ; LabeledStatementNoShortIf: Identifier COLON StatementNoShortIf { Label ($1, $3) } ; /* 14.8 */ ExpressionStatement: StatementExpression SM { Expr $1 } ; /* vkuncak */ AnnotationStatement: ANNOTATION {AnnotationStmt $1}; StatementExpression: Assignment { $1 } | PreIncrementExpression { $1 } | PreDecrementExpression { $1 } | PostIncrementExpression { $1 } | PostDecrementExpression { $1 } | MethodInvocation { $1 } | ClassInstanceCreationExpression { $1 } ; /* 14.9 */ IfThenStatement: IF LP Expression RP Statement { If ($3, $5, None) } ; IfThenElseStatement: IF LP Expression RP StatementNoShortIf ELSE Statement { If ($3, $5, Some $7) } ; IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf: IF LP Expression RP StatementNoShortIf ELSE StatementNoShortIf { If ($3, $5, Some $7) } ; /* 14.10 */ SwitchStatement: SWITCH LP Expression RP SwitchBlock { Switch ($3, $5) } ; SwitchBlock: LC RC { [] } | LC SwitchLabels RC { [$2, []] } | LC SwitchBlockStatementGroups RC { rev $2 } | LC SwitchBlockStatementGroups SwitchLabels RC { rev ((rev $3, []) :: $2) } ; SwitchBlockStatementGroups: SwitchBlockStatementGroup { [$1] } | SwitchBlockStatementGroups SwitchBlockStatementGroup { $2 :: $1 } ; SwitchBlockStatementGroup: SwitchLabels BlockStatements { rev $1, $2 } ; SwitchLabels: SwitchLabel { [$1] } | SwitchLabels SwitchLabel { $2 :: $1 } ; SwitchLabel: CASE ConstantExpression COLON { Case $2 } | DEFAULT COLON { Default } ; /* 14.11 */ WhileStatement: WHILE AnnotationOpt LP Expression RP Statement { While ($2, $4, $6) } ; WhileStatementNoShortIf: WHILE AnnotationOpt LP Expression RP StatementNoShortIf { While ($2, $4, $6) } ; /* 14.12 */ DoStatement: DO Statement WHILE LP Expression RP SM { Do ($2, $5) } ; /* 14.13 */ ForStatement: FOR LP ForInitOpt SM ExpressionOpt SM ForUpdateOpt RP Statement { For ($3, $5, $7, $9) } ; ForStatementNoShortIf: FOR LP ForInitOpt SM ExpressionOpt SM ForUpdateOpt RP StatementNoShortIf { For ($3, $5, $7, $9) } ; ForInit: StatementExpressionList { rev $1 } | LocalVariableDeclaration { $1 } ; ForInitOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ForInit { $1 } ; ExpressionOpt: /* empty */ { None } | Expression { Some $1 } ; ForUpdate: StatementExpressionList { rev $1 } ; ForUpdateOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ForUpdate { $1 } ; StatementExpressionList: StatementExpression { [Expr $1] } | StatementExpressionList CM StatementExpression { Expr $3 :: $1 } ; /* 14.14 */ BreakStatement: BREAK IdentifierOpt SM { Break $2 } ; IdentifierOpt: /* empty */ { None } | Identifier { Some $1 } ; /* 14.15 */ ContinueStatement: CONTINUE IdentifierOpt SM { Continue $2 } ; /* 14.16 */ ReturnStatement: RETURN ExpressionOpt SM { Return $2 } ; /* 14.17 */ ThrowStatement: THROW Expression SM { Throw $2 } ; /* 14.18 */ SynchronizedStatement: SYNCHRONIZED LP Expression RP Block { Sync ($3, $5) } ; /* 14.19 */ TryStatement: TRY Block Catches { Try ($2, rev $3, None) } | TRY Block CatchesOpt Finally { Try ($2, $3, Some $4) } ; Catches: CatchClause { [$1] } | Catches CatchClause { $2 :: $1 } ; CatchesOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | Catches { rev $1 } ; CatchClause: CATCH LP FormalParameter RP Block { $3, $5 } /* * Not in 2nd edition Java Language Specification. */ | CATCH LP FormalParameter RP EmptyStatement { $3, $5 } ; Finally: FINALLY Block { $2 } ; /* 15.8 */ Primary: PrimaryNoNewArray { $1 } | ArrayCreationExpression { $1 } ; PrimaryNoNewArray: Literal { Literal $1 } | ClassLiteral { $1 } | THIS { Name [this_ident] } | Name DOT THIS { Name (rev (this_ident :: $1)) } | LP Expression RP { $2 } | ClassInstanceCreationExpression { $1 } | FieldAccess { $1 } | MethodInvocation { $1 } | ArrayAccess { $1 } ; /* 15.8.2 */ ClassLiteral: PrimitiveType DOT CLASS { ClassLiteral $1 } | Name DOT CLASS { ClassLiteral (TypeName (rev $1)) } | ArrayType DOT CLASS { ClassLiteral $1 } | VOID DOT CLASS { ClassLiteral void_type } ; /* 15.9 */ /* NEW ClassOrInterfaceType LP ArgumentListOpt RP ClassBodyOpt { NewClass (TypeName $2, $4, $6, None) } */ ClassInstanceCreationExpression: | NEW ClassOrInterfaceType LP ArgumentListOpt RP ClassBodyOpt { NewClass (TypeName $2, $4, $6, None) } | NEW ANNOTATION ClassOrInterfaceType LP ArgumentListOpt RP ClassBodyOpt { NewClass (TypeName $3, $5, $7, Some $2) } | Primary DOT NEW Identifier LP ArgumentListOpt RP ClassBodyOpt { NewQualifiedClass ($1, $4, $6, $8) } /* * Not in 2nd edition Java Language Specification. */ | Name DOT NEW Identifier LP ArgumentListOpt RP ClassBodyOpt { NewQualifiedClass (Name (rev $1), $4, $6, $8) } ; ArgumentList: Expression { [$1] } | ArgumentList CM Expression { $3 :: $1 } ; ArgumentListOpt: /* empty */ { [] } | ArgumentList { rev $1 } ; ClassBodyOpt: /* empty */ { None } | ClassBody { Some $1 } ; /* 15.10 */ ArrayCreationExpression: NEW PrimitiveType DimExprs DimsOpt { NewArray ($2, rev $3, $4, None, None) } | NEW PrimitiveType Dims ArrayInitializer { NewArray ($2, [], $3, Some $4, None) } | NEW Name DimExprs DimsOpt { NewArray (TypeName (rev $2), rev $3, $4, None, None) } | NEW Name Dims ArrayInitializer { NewArray (TypeName (rev $2), [], $3, Some $4, None) } | NEW ANNOTATION PrimitiveType DimExprs DimsOpt { NewArray ($3, rev $4, $5, None, Some $2) } | NEW ANNOTATION PrimitiveType Dims ArrayInitializer { NewArray ($3, [], $4, Some $5, Some $2) } | NEW ANNOTATION Name DimExprs DimsOpt { NewArray (TypeName (rev $3), rev $4, $5, None, Some $2) } | NEW ANNOTATION Name Dims ArrayInitializer { NewArray (TypeName (rev $3), [], $4, Some $5, Some $2) } ; DimExprs: DimExpr { [$1] } | DimExprs DimExpr { $2 :: $1 } ; DimExpr: LB Expression RB { $2 } ; Dims: LB RB { 1 } | Dims LB RB { $1 + 1 } ; DimsOpt: /* empty */ { 0 } | Dims { $1 } ; /* 15.11 */ FieldAccess: Primary DOT Identifier { Dot ($1, $3) } | SUPER DOT Identifier { Name [super_ident; $3] } | Name DOT SUPER DOT Identifier { Name (rev ($5 :: super_ident :: $1)) } ; /* 15.12 */ MethodInvocation: Name LP ArgumentListOpt RP { Call (Name (rev $1), $3) } | Primary DOT Identifier LP ArgumentListOpt RP { Call (Dot ($1, $3), $5) } | SUPER DOT Identifier LP ArgumentListOpt RP { Call (Name [super_ident; $3], $5) } | Name DOT SUPER DOT Identifier LP ArgumentListOpt RP { Call (Name (rev ($5 :: super_ident :: $1)), $7) } ; /* 15.13 */ ArrayAccess: Name LB Expression RB { ArrayAccess (Name (rev $1), $3) } | PrimaryNoNewArray LB Expression RB { ArrayAccess ($1, $3) } ; /* 15.14 */ PostfixExpression: Primary { $1 } | Name { Name (rev $1) } | PostIncrementExpression { $1 } | PostDecrementExpression { $1 } ; /* 15.14.1 */ PostIncrementExpression: PostfixExpression INCR { Postfix ($1, "++") } ; /* 15.14.2 */ PostDecrementExpression: PostfixExpression DECR { Postfix ($1, "--") } ; /* 15.15 */ UnaryExpression: PreIncrementExpression { $1 } | PreDecrementExpression { $1 } | PLUS UnaryExpression { Prefix ("+", $2) } | MINUS UnaryExpression { Prefix ("-", $2) } | UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus { $1 } ; PreIncrementExpression: INCR UnaryExpression { Prefix ("++", $2) } ; PreDecrementExpression: DECR UnaryExpression { Prefix ("--", $2) } ; UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus: PostfixExpression { $1 } | COMPL UnaryExpression { Prefix ("~", $2) } | NOT UnaryExpression { Prefix ("!", $2) } | CastExpression { $1 } ; /* 15.16 */ /* Original rule: CastExpression: LP PrimitiveType DimsOpt RP UnaryExpression | LP ReferenceType RP UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ; */ /* * Modified (overly liberal) rule for LALR(1) grammar. * Semantic action must ensure that '( Expression )' is really '( Name )' */ CastExpression: LP PrimitiveType RP UnaryExpression { Cast ($2, $4) } | LP Expression RP UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus { Cast (type_name $2, $4) } | LP ArrayType RP UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus { Cast ($2, $4) } ; /* 15.17 */ MultiplicativeExpression: UnaryExpression { $1 } | MultiplicativeExpression TIMES UnaryExpression { Infix ($1, "*", $3) } | MultiplicativeExpression DIV UnaryExpression { Infix ($1, "/", $3) } | MultiplicativeExpression MOD UnaryExpression { Infix ($1, "%", $3) } ; /* 15.18 */ AdditiveExpression: MultiplicativeExpression { $1 } | AdditiveExpression PLUS MultiplicativeExpression { Infix ($1, "+", $3) } | AdditiveExpression MINUS MultiplicativeExpression { Infix ($1, "-", $3) } ; /* 15.19 */ ShiftExpression: AdditiveExpression { $1 } | ShiftExpression LS AdditiveExpression { Infix ($1, "<<", $3) } | ShiftExpression SRS AdditiveExpression { Infix ($1, ">>", $3) } | ShiftExpression URS AdditiveExpression { Infix ($1, ">>>", $3) } ; /* 15.20 */ RelationalExpression: ShiftExpression { $1 } | RelationalExpression LT ShiftExpression { Infix ($1, "<", $3) } | RelationalExpression GT ShiftExpression { Infix ($1, ">", $3) } | RelationalExpression LE ShiftExpression { Infix ($1, "<=", $3) } | RelationalExpression GE ShiftExpression { Infix ($1, ">=", $3) } | RelationalExpression INSTANCEOF ReferenceType { InstanceOf ($1, $3) } ; /* 15.21 */ EqualityExpression: RelationalExpression { $1 } | EqualityExpression EQ_EQ RelationalExpression { Infix ($1, "==", $3) } | EqualityExpression NOT_EQ RelationalExpression { Infix ($1, "!=", $3) } ; /* 15.22 */ AndExpression: EqualityExpression { $1 } | AndExpression AND EqualityExpression { Infix ($1, "&", $3) } ; ExclusiveOrExpression: AndExpression { $1 } | ExclusiveOrExpression XOR AndExpression { Infix ($1, "^", $3) } ; InclusiveOrExpression: ExclusiveOrExpression { $1 } | InclusiveOrExpression OR ExclusiveOrExpression { Infix ($1, "|", $3) } ; /* 15.23 */ ConditionalAndExpression: InclusiveOrExpression { $1 } | ConditionalAndExpression AND_AND InclusiveOrExpression { Infix ($1, "&&", $3) } ; /* 15.24 */ ConditionalOrExpression: ConditionalAndExpression { $1 } | ConditionalOrExpression OR_OR ConditionalAndExpression { Infix ($1, "||", $3) } ; /* 15.25 */ ConditionalExpression: ConditionalOrExpression { $1 } | ConditionalOrExpression COND Expression COLON ConditionalExpression { Conditional ($1, $3, $5) } ; /* 15.26 */ AssignmentExpression: ConditionalExpression { $1 } | Assignment { $1 } ; Assignment: LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression { Assignment ($1, $2, $3) } ; LeftHandSide: Name { Name (rev $1) } | FieldAccess { $1 } | ArrayAccess { $1 } ; AssignmentOperator: EQ { "=" } | OPERATOR_EQ { $1 } ; /* 15.27 */ Expression: AssignmentExpression { $1 } ; /* 15.28 */ ConstantExpression: Expression { $1 } ;