program QuickSort {
    println(new QS().Start(10));
// This class contains the array of integers and
// methods to initialize, print and sort the array
// using Quicksort
class QS {
    var number : Int[];
    var size : Int;
    // Invoke the Initialization, Sort and Printing
    // Methods
    def Start(sz : Int) : Int = {
        do(this.Sort(0,size - 1));
        return 9999;
    // Sort array of integers using Quicksort method
    def Sort(left : Int, right : Int) : Int = {
        var v : Int;
        var i : Int;
        var j : Int;
        var nt : Int;
        var t : Int;
        var cont01 : Bool;
        var cont02 : Bool;
        var aux03 : Int;
        t = 0 ;
        if (left < right){
            v = number[right] ;
            i = left - 1 ;
            j = right ;
            cont01 = true ;
            while (cont01){
                cont02 = true ;
                while (cont02){
                    i = i + 1 ;
                    aux03 = number[i] ;
                    if (!(aux03<v)) cont02 = false ;
                    else cont02 = true ;
                cont02 = true ;
                while (cont02){
                    j = j - 1 ;
                    aux03 = number[j] ;
                    if (!(v < aux03)) cont02 = false ;
                    else cont02 = true ;
                t = number[i] ;
                number[i] = number[j] ;
                number[j] = t ;
                //aux03 = i + 1 ;
                if ( j < (i+1)) cont01 = false ;
                else cont01 = true ;
            number[j] = number[i] ;
            number[i] = number[right] ;
            number[right] = t ;
            nt = this.Sort(left,i-1);
            nt = this.Sort(i+1,right);
        else nt = 0 ;
        return 0 ;
    def Print() : Int = {
        var j : Int;
        j = 0 ;
        while (j < (size)) {
            j = j + 1 ;
        return 0 ;
    // Initialize array of integers
    def Init(sz : Int) : Int = {
        size = sz ;
        number = new Int[sz] ;
        number[0] = 20 ;
        number[1] = 7  ; 
        number[2] = 12 ;
        number[3] = 18 ;
        number[4] = 2  ; 
        number[5] = 11 ;
        number[6] = 6  ; 
        number[7] = 9  ; 
        number[8] = 19 ; 
        number[9] = 5  ;
        return 0 ;  