Lecturecise 15: Type Checking Exercises
Slides lect15.pdf, lect15.pptx
Problem 1
Consider the following grammar:
E ::= E+E E ::= E*E E ::= E=E E ::= Num | true | false
where Num represents integers.
a) Consider the generalized CYK algorithm from
- Lecturecise 11, slide 3
Run the algorithm on input:
checking whether it can be parsed. Show the content of the 'chart', that is, the set of triples , after the algorithm finishes.
b) How many parse trees can you extract from this chart?
c) Write down those parse trees that are correct according to the following types:
+ : Int x Int→Int
* : Int x Int→Int
= : Bool x Bool → Bool
= : Int x Int → Bool
d) Can you modify the CKY algorithm following the ideas from:
- Lecturecise 12, slide 5-8
to introduce a semantic function that computes only those trees that are correct according to the above types of operators?
e) What does the new algorithm return on the above input?
Problem 2
Determine if the following piece of codes type check according to the type rules.
Show all steps and give type derivation trees where applicable.
a) The class Array has a field length in which the length of the array is stored.
def swap(lst: Array[Int], a: Int, b: Int): Array[Int] = { if (a >= lst.length || b >= lst.length) lst else { val swap = lst(a) lst(a) = lst(b) lst(b) = swap lst } }
Recall that we have the two type rules:
- If is a declared subclass of , then
i) Give the type rule corresponding to new.
ii) Show this code typechecks.
class Shape class Rectangle(width: Int, length: Int) extends Shape { def area : Int = width * length } class Square(length: Int) extends Rectangle(length,length) new Square(5).area