Exercises 05

Exercise 1

Short questions:

  • Describe the language that is accepted by an LL(0) grammar.
  • Describe why a shift/shift conflict is impossible during the LR table construction.
  • Is is possible that a SLR parser prefers reduction in a shift/reduce conflict?

Exercise 2

Construct an LR(0) parsing table for the following grammar.

S -> SS
   | (S)
   | ()
  • Locate the shift/reduce conflict in the table.
  • Using some test inputs, resolve the conflict in favor of a shift or a reduction.

Exercise 3

Construct an SLR parse table for the following grammar.

S -> E + E
E -> E * a
S -> a
E -> a
  • Is SLR powerful enough to resolve the conflicts?
  • Draw the LR(1) automaton for parsing.
  • Determine the set of states that can be merged for an LALR parser.