Translation Correctness for Expressions
Recall Evaluating Postfix
- evaluation:
- compilation:
- virtual machine:
For simplicity we will omit environments mapping variables
- does not affect this proof
We often write X instead of List(X) when X is one element
Also, we often use same symbol '*' for
- operator in the tree
- operator in instruction sequence
- corresponding mathematical operator
Key Facts
Evaluation of expressions:
- the last occurrence of is the imul instruction
denotes a tree with node type
and children
run-virtual machine: From definition of and by induction on
Of course
where is the result of computing
, and
for constant , and
Correctness Theorem
For every ,
Attempt at Inductive Proof
Induction on structure of
Induction Hypothesis
For every expression and every list of integers
Inductive Proof